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  1. 山东省疾病预防控制中心病媒生物防治所 济南250014
  • 出版日期:2004-06-20 发布日期:2004-06-20

Cross-resistance of Cypermethrin-resistant Blattellagermanica to Chemical Insecticides

WANG Xue-jun; LAI Shi-hong; LIU Feng   

  1. Shandong Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention, Jinan 250014,China
  • Online:2004-06-20 Published:2004-06-20

摘要: 目的了解德国小蠊(Blattella germanica)抗氯氰菊酯品系对5种常用化学杀虫剂的交互抗性,为合理使用杀虫剂提高防制效果提供依据。方法药膜接触法。结果抗氯氰菊酯德国小蠊对溴氰菊酯、氯菊酯、胺菊酯、残杀威和DDVP的抗性系数与室内敏感品系相比分别为3.11、3.67、3.35、1.18和1.19倍。结论长期大量使用一种杀虫剂德国小蠊易产生抗药性,并对杀虫机理相同的其他杀虫剂产生交互抗性,故在害虫防制时应科学合理使用杀虫剂

关键词: 德国小蠊, 杀虫剂, 交互抗性

Abstract: Objective To determine the cross resistance of cypermethrin resistant Blattellagermanica to 5 common chemical insecticides.Methods The cross resistance of Blattellagermanica with permanent cypermethrin resistance to 3 pyrethroids(deltamethrin,permethrin,tetramethrin) and 2 non pyrethroids insecticides i.e.propoxur and DDVP were determined with a liquid film continuous exposure procedure.Results Cypermethrin resistant Blattellagermanica showed cross resistance to 3 pyrethoids,with the resistance indices of 3.11,3.67 and 3.35 respectively;and have no cross resistance to other two non pyrethroids insecticides.Conclusion The insecticides should be rationally used in the process of chemical controls,i.e.insecticides with different action targets should be used alternatively,to avoid the development of cross-resistance.