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钟格梅; 谭毅   

  1. 广西壮族自治区寄生虫病防治研究所 南宁530021
  • 出版日期:2000-08-20 发布日期:2000-08-20

Experimental Observation on the Fecundity and Longevity of Anopheles sinensis

Zhong Gemei; Tan Yi   

  1. Institute of Parasitic Disease Control of Guangxi Autonomous Region, Nanning 530021
  • Online:2000-08-20 Published:2000-08-20

摘要: 目的:在实验室内观察每天供血中华按蚊的生殖与寿命特性。方法:在每天供血的情况下,观察中华按蚊吸血及产卵情况,并记录雌雄蚊死亡历程,另同时设置未供血蚊作实验对照。结果:194只雌蚊共产卵28 377粒,羽化后1.5~38d均观察到蚊虫吸血;吸血后3d开始产卵,整个成蚊历期最迟产卵至第35d。其中产卵高峰见于第5~16d;雄蚊、每天供血雌蚊、对照雌蚊(未供血)的平均寿命分别为12.44±5.78、24.29±9.08和17.46±5.76(d)。经统计学分析,不同性别中华按蚊以及供血与不供血雌蚊的寿命差别均有非常显著性意义(P<0.001), 亦即每天供血蚊寿命大于未供血雌蚊,雌蚊寿命又较雄蚊长。结论:充足的血源供应可大大延长雌蚊的寿命,亦可增加雌蚊的生殖强度。

关键词: 中华按蚊, 生殖, 寿命

Abstract: Purpose: To observe the fecundity and longevity of Anopheles sinensis under the condition of daily supply of blood meal. Methods:The mosquito's habits of blood taking and egg laying was observed and the mosquito's daily mortality was recorded, and the results were compared with unfed female mosquito control.Results:194 female mosquitoes laid a total of 28 377 eggs; the mosquito started to take blood meal after emergence at day 1.5 and such activity may last up to day 38;the mosquito began to lay egg at day 3 after having taken blood meal;the mosquito was still able to lay eggs at day 35 during the whole adulthood;the egg laying peak period was on day 5-16;the average longevity of male,fed female,unfed control female were 12.44±5.78,24.29±9.08 and 17.46±5.76(day),respectively.There is statistical significance in the mosquito's longevity difference for both sexes and between fed and unfed female control(P<0.001),the daily blood-fed mosquitoes lived longer than the unfed ones;females lived longer than males. Conclusion: Suffcient supply of blood meal may prolong greatly the longevity of female mosquitoes and thus increases mosquito's fecundity.