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刘勇鹰1; 潘波1; 朱泰华1; 周宏华2; 阮峰2; 彭伟华3; 吴承刚1; 吴旭光1   

  1. 1广东省寄生虫病防治研究所 广州510300;2珠海市卫生防疫站;3 珠海横琴经济开发区卫生防疫站
  • 出版日期:2000-08-20 发布日期:2000-08-20

Study of Distribution and Rule of An. anthropophagus in Guangdong Province

Liu Yongying; Pan Bo; Zhu Taihua; et al   

  1. Guangdong Instisute of Parasitic Diseases, Guangzhou 510300
  • Online:2000-08-20 Published:2000-08-20

摘要: 目的:研究广东省嗜人按蚊的分布范围及其分布区的自然地理因素和社会经济因素。方法:人、牛饵诱捕及现场调查。结果:该蚊在广东分布局限,呈点、片状,以低山丘陵区为主,并喜分布于酸性土质;水体丰富,遮阴良好的沟溪、甘蔗地和香蕉地是其主要滋生地;气候以温暖湿润、阳光充沛为特点。流行区居民人均收入低,经济状况不佳;主要耕种双季稻、甘蔗、香蕉等农作物,农药使用量大。结论:该蚊的滋生地已由水稻田改变为经济作物田及遮阴良好的沟溪。

关键词: 嗜人按蚊, 分布规律, 自然因素, 社会因素

Abstract: This paper studys the distribution of An.anthropophagus in Guangdong province. The physical geographical factors and the social economical factors have also been surveied in An. anthropophagus's section. The result indicated: An. anthropophagus was distibuted at a local areas as a spot section or a patch section in Guangdong. An. anthropophagus was chiefly distributed in low mountain and hilly land, especially in acid soil. An. anthropophagus was mostly bred in channels, rivulets, sugarcane fields and banana fields where there were full of water and well overshadow. An. anthropophagus's section had a warm, wet and flush sunshine climate. The residents in An. anthropophagus's distribution had a lowly income and their economic status were not fine. The double- ripe rice, sugarcane and banana et al were their chief coppers, and so much pesticide had been used.