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  1. 1.中国农业科学院草原研究所 呼和浩特 010010;2.内蒙古锡林郭勒盟鼠疫防治站
  • 出版日期:2004-06-20 发布日期:2004-06-20

Comparative Study on the Ecological Characteristic of Striped Hamster in the Central and Western Region of Inner Mongolia

DONG Wei-hui*; HOU Xi-xian; ZHANG Yao-Xing; et al   

  1. Grassland Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hohhot 010010, China
  • Online:2004-06-20 Published:2004-06-20

摘要: 目的研究内蒙古中西部地区黑线仓鼠种群生态特征。方法1991~1998年的4~10月中旬利用直线夹日法,在呼和浩特市的农田、栽培牧草地和放牧场,鄂尔多斯市达拉特旗沙地草场及锡林郭勒盟正镶白旗的典型草原进行调查。捕获鼠按常规测量,称重后解剖,详细记录繁殖情况。结果3地黑线仓鼠同属萨拉齐亚种。8年中3地黑线仓鼠种群数量、年际变动曲线均有不同,季节变动曲线为双峰型,呼市和达旗基本一致,后峰高于前峰,白旗正好相反,前峰高于后峰。雌雄性比例:呼市雌性(53.82%)多于雄性;达旗雄性多于雌性(42.11%);白旗雌性比为49.42%,两性数量接近。呼市、达旗、白旗雄性睾丸年平均下降率分别为(62.16±3.29)%、(38.53±3.45)%和(76.88±6.28)%;3地年均怀孕率分别为(19.73±2.50)%、(23.06±3.50)%和(21.89±6.23)%;胎仔数分别为(5.96±0.10)个、(5.77±0.16)个和(5.61±0.29)个;年平均胎盘斑数分别为(5.52±0.07)个、(5.91±0.16)个和(5.67±0.44)个。结论3地黑线仓鼠种群的生态特征基本相同

关键词: 种群数量, 繁殖, 性比, 胎仔数

Abstract: Objective To study the ecological characteristics of striped hamster(Cricetulus barabesis) in the central and western region of Inner Mongolia.Methods The studies were carried out in Hohhot suburbs,Dalate County and Zhengxiangbai County in the middle ten days of each month from April to October in 1991 to 1998 by rectilinear trap day method.Results The striped hamster is one subspecies Cricetulus barabese obscurus in Hohhot suburbs,Dalate County and Zhengxiangbai County.The seasonal and annual changes in population number of striped hamster were varied from 1991 to 1998.The sex ratio of the females was 53.62% and the females accounted for a larger proportion than the males in Hohhot suburbs.The sex ratio of the females was 42.11% and the males accounted for alarger proportion than the females in Dalate County.The sex ratio of the females was 49.42% in Zhengxiangbai county.The rates of testis entering scrotum from abdominal cavity were(62.16±3.29)%,(38.53±3.45)% and(76.88±6.28)% respectively in Hohhot suburbs,Datate and Zhengxiangbai County.The annual average pregnant rat rates were(19.73±2.50)%,(23.06±3.50)% and(21.89±6.23)% respectively in Hohhot suburbs,Dalate and zhengxiangbai County.The annual average litter sizes of females were(5.96± 0.10)%,(5.77±0.16)% and(5.61±0.29)% respectively in Hohhot suburbs,Dalate and zhengxiangbai County from 1991 to 1998.Conclusion The ecological characteristics of striped hamster in the 3 counties are almost same in the central and western region of Inner Mongolia.