Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control ›› 2018, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (6): 571-575.DOI: 10.11853/j.issn.1003.8280.2018.06.032

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Ecological investigation and analysis of small mammals and their ectoparasites in Wucai mountain scenic area, Beijing

ZHANG Wen-zeng, MA Tie-zheng, WU Dan, PI Hai-lun, ZHU Si-jie, ZHANG Song-jian   

  1. Shunyi Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 101300, China
  • Received:2018-08-02 Online:2018-12-20 Published:2018-12-20
  • Supported by:

    Supported by the Shunyi District Health Planning and Scientific Research Development Special Project, Beijing (No. Wsjskyfzzx-y-04)


张文增, 马铁铮, 吴殚, 皮海伦, 朱思捷, 张松建   

  1. 北京市顺义区疾病预防控制中心, 北京 101300
  • 通讯作者: 张松建,
  • 作者简介:张文增,男,副主任医师,从事传染病预防控制工作,
  • 基金资助:



Objective To gather the basic information of small mammals and their ectoparasites in Wucai mountain scenic area of Beijing, including species composition, predominant species and parasitism, and to provide basic data for the prevention and control of related natural epidemic diseases. Methods Small mammals were captured alive with baited mouse traps at different representative habitats in Wucai mountain scenic area from January to December 2017. All the ectoparasites of the hosts were thoroughly collected. Small mammals and ectoparasites were identified and classified separately. Excel 2010 and SPSS 19.0 softwares were used to collate and analyze data. The composition ratio (C), prevalence (P), and average ectoparasite abundance (A) were determined to reflect the prevalence and density of ectoparasites. Results In 2017, a total of 73 small animals were captured in Wucai mountain scenic area of Beijing. The catch rate was 3.41%. The captured small mammals were identified as belonging to 2 species, 3 families, 6 genera and 7 species. Apodemus agrarius was the predominant species in studied areas. Of the 73 small animals, 42 (57.53%) were infested with 6 species of ectoparasites, including 2 species of chigger mites, 1 species of gamasid mites, and 3 species of fleas. The total infestation index was 10.70 (781/73) and the infestation rate and total infestation index were higher in autumn. Chigger mites were the predominant parasite populations on the surface of small mammals. Conclusion The structure of small mammals and their ectoparasites communities are complicated in Wucai mountain scenic area of Beijing. It is important for the prevention and control of related natural epidemic diseases in this area to focus on the ecological investigation and analysis.

Key words: Small mammals, Ectoparasite, Population, Ecological investigation


目的 了解北京市五彩浅山地区小兽及其体表寄生虫种类组成、寄生状况及优势种群,为相关自然疫源性疾病的防控提供基础数据。方法 2017年1-12月选择五彩浅山地区有代表性的生境作为调查点,用鼠笼加食饵诱捕小型动物,用全捕法采集其体表寄生虫,并对小型动物及其体表寄生虫进行分类和鉴定。采用Excel 2010和SPSS 19.0软件对监测数据进行整理与分析。用染虫率和染虫指数反映体表寄生虫的流行和密度状况,率的比较采用χ2检验。结果 2017年在北京市五彩浅山地区共捕获小型动物73只,总捕获率为3.41%。捕获的小兽经鉴定隶属2目3科6属7种,黑线姬鼠为该地区优势种。在42只小兽体表检获寄生虫6种共781只,包括恙螨2种,革螨1种,蚤类3种。小兽总染虫率为57.53%(42/73),总染虫指数为10.70(781/73)。秋季染虫率及染虫指数均较高,恙螨为小兽体表优势寄生虫类群。结论 北京市五彩浅山地区小兽及其体表寄生虫群落结构复杂,持续开展种群生态监测对相关自然疫源性疾病的防控具有重要意义。

关键词: 小兽, 体表寄生虫, 种群, 生态调查

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