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  1. 1北京市海淀区卫生防疫站100086;2北京市卫生防疫站
  • 出版日期:2001-04-20 发布日期:2001-04-20

Analysis on Epidemic Condition of Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome in Haidian District of Beijing

DUN Zhe; SUN Pei-yuan; HU Jing-yu; et al   

  1. Haidian Health and Anti-Epidemic Station of Beijing,100080
  • Online:2001-04-20 Published:2001-04-20

摘要: 目的:搞清肾综合征出血热(HFRS)、鼠间汉坦病毒(HV)感染分布状况和现患病例血清型,为进一步探索流行规律,确定疫源地性质和制定防制策略提供科学依据。方法:分别应用IFAT、微量细胞中和试验(MCPENT)方法检测人、鼠间HV感染状况和病人血清型别。结果:1997~2000年共发生本地病例43例,死亡4例,病死率9.3%,发病呈现逐年上升、高度散发与相对集中的流行特点。部分现患病例(27例)血清分型26例为汉城型(SEO型);HFRS病例,其中1例SEO、HTN型中和抗体滴度等同,可能是两型病毒的感染。正常人群隐性感染率为2.1%。鼠间广泛存在着HV感染,年度带病毒率7.32%~32.90%。带病毒鼠指数较高,与人群发病率呈正相关(P<0.01)。结论:发病呈上升和高度散发与相对集中的基本流行特点,正常人群隐性感染率较低,鼠间广泛存在着HV感染,现患病例基本均属SEO型

关键词: 肾综合征出血热, 血清型, 带病毒鼠指数

Abstract: Objective:To study the epidemic condition of Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome(HFRS),the infection distribution of Hantaviruses(HV)in mice,serotype of prevalence case in Haidian district of Beijing.Method:IFAT MCPENT.Results:There were 43 cases in this district during 1997-2000.4 cases died,the mortality rate was 9.3%.These cases showed the epidemic character of increasing incidence rate and high sporadic with relative concentration.Among some of Prevalance cases(27 cases),26 cases were SEO serotype,1 case was SEO and HTN serotype with equal antibody title.Maybe it was infected by HV of two serotypes.The cover infection rate of people was 2.1%.There were extensive infection of HV in mice,the infection rate was 7.32%- 32.90% per year.The infection index of mice was higher,it was positive correlation with the incidence rate of people.Conclusion:The basic epidemic character in this district was the increasing incidence rate and high sporadic with relative concentration.There were extensive infection of HV in mice.The serotype of most cases were SEO serotype.