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  1. 北京市疾病预防控制中心100013
  • 出版日期:2001-06-20 发布日期:2001-06-20

Study on Epidemic State in Beijing

ZHANG Xiu-chun; HU Jing-yu; ZHOU Shao-lian; et al   

  1. Beijing Municipal Hygienic and Anti-epidemic Center,Beijing 100013
  • Online:2001-06-20 Published:2001-06-20

摘要: 目的:搞清北京地区鼠间汉坦病毒(HV)感染分布状况、HV基因型、病例血清型,为确定疫源地性质和制定防制策略提供科学依据。方法:分别应用间接免疫荧光(IFAT)、逆转录多聚酶链反应(RT-PCR)和微量细胞中和试验方法,对北京地区捕获鼠的肺标本进行带病毒情况、毒株的基因型和病人血清型别检测。结果:北京地区鼠间广泛存在着HV感染,鼠的年度带病毒率为1.89%~6.17%。不同区(县)21份免疫荧光阳性鼠肺RT-PCR基因扩增分型,均能以SEO型特异性引物扩增出300bp的DNA基因片段,而不能被HNT型特异性引物所扩增。9株核苷酸序列测定结果与SEO型HV代表株L99、SEO核苷酸同源性达94.3%~100%,与HNT型HV代表株A9同源性<71%。9株SEO型HV核苷酸序列存在一定差异,所构建的系统发生树至少存在4个不同分支。BF10与L99株核苷酸同源性100%,BF7与G199同源性99.3%,是否为远程传播而来也应深入研究。55例肾综合征出血热(HFRS)病例血清型,53例为SEO型病例,2例Ⅰ、Ⅱ型中和抗体滴度等同病例未能定型。结论:证实SEO型HV为近年北京地区主要流行株,并构成了众多SEO型HV疫源地,此为近年发病迅速增多的根本原因。

关键词: 汉坦病毒, 肾综合征出血热, 基因, 分型, 核苷酸

Abstract: Objective:To understand the distribute of infection of Hantaviruses in rodents and it's genetic type and sero-type of patients of Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome(HFRS) in Beijing.To determine the nature of infections focus and further provide the scientific basis for how to prevent the disease.Method:Using Immunofluorescent assay test(IFAT) to testing the infectious state of Hantaviruses in lungs of rodents captured in Beijing in 1996-1999.21 Hantavirus RAN,positive with Hantavirus antigens with frozen sectioning and IFAT,were reverse-transcribed and amplified with PCR with Hantavirus-specific primers.Using MCPENT to detect the serum of 55 patients with HFRS in acute period and typing them.Results:The infection of Hantavirus widely exists in rodents in Beijing.The rate of Hantavirus carried is 1.89%-6.17%.21 Hantavirus RNA isolated from lungs of rodents,positive with Hantavirus antigens with frozen sectioning and Immunofluorescent assay,were rever-transcribed We respectively used the SEO type-specfic primers(SEO MF and SEO MR) and HTN type-primers(HMF and HMR) in RT-PCR amplify 21 samples.The specific segments that molecular weight is 330bp were obtained by using the former primers.The amplify result of the later primers were negative.We retrieved the fragment of PCR products of 9 samples and determined their nucleotide sequences.The nucleotide sequence of these samples were compared with SEO type Hantavirus L99 and SEO,the homology is 94.3%-100%.But they were compared with HTN type Hantavirus A9,the homology of nucleotide sequence is less than 71%.So the nine virus strains are all SEO type hantavirus.But there are different in nine samples.Phylogenetic tree analysis showed that the nine strain viruses were divided into at least four branches.We discovered greater variations in nucleotide sequence of B10.It is possible a new sub-type of SEO.The homology among BF10 and L99 is 100% and among BF7and G199 is 99.3%.Whether it is indicate long-distance spread still need to further study.33 of 55 patients are caused by SEO type hantavirus and 2 antibody of type Ⅰ and type Ⅱin serum are all 80,so we didn't determine the type of these patients.Conclusion:SEO type hantavirus strain is the main epidemic strain in Beijing in recent years,SEO type hantavirus is the infection factor caused the patients incrased.