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钱俊英1; 张云2; 陶开华2; 朱进2; 吴光华2   

  1. 1陕西省卫生防疫站 西安710054; 2南京军区军事医学研究所
  • 出版日期:2000-06-20 发布日期:2000-06-20

Investigation of the Relationship between Chigger Mites and Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome

Qian Junying*; Zhang YunTao; Kaihuaet al   

  1. Health and AntiEpidemic Station of Shanxi Province,Xian 710054
  • Online:2000-06-20 Published:2000-06-20

摘要: 目的:探索恙螨与HFRS的传病关系。方法:观察鼠窝中恙螨的分布及季节消长、在鼠和人体的吸血能力,对HFRSV进行PCR分析,感染HFRS病毒情况。结果:恙螨是黑线姬鼠(HFRS的主要宿主)鼠窝中的优势螨种,其季节消长与发病相关,可通过鼠和人的正常皮肤叮刺吸血,有HFRS的自然感染,能通过叮刺在鼠间传播和在螨体内经卵传递HFRSV,且与鼠、螨和人所分离HFRSV的抗原性一致。结论:该螨可作为野鼠型HFRS鼠间的传播媒介,并可能兼有储存宿主作用。

关键词: 恙螨, 肾综合征出血热, 病毒

Abstract: In order to clarify the routes of transmission of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), we carried out a series of studies on the relationship between chigger mites and HFRS. The results show that gamasid mites and chigger mites were the dominant species in litters of Apodemus agrarius-the main reservoir of HFRS,their seasonal distribution were correlated with the incidence of human HFRS, they could pierce the mormal skin of rodent and human to suck blood, those two mites could naturally be infected by HFRS virus. HFRS virus could be transmitted through the bite of mites among rodents and through transovarial transmission in mites. The antigenicity of HFRS virus isolated from mice and mites were identical. The results indicated that chigger mites can serve as transmitting vector of field rodent type of HFRS and act as a reservoir host as well.