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沈兆昌; 颜正生; 郭永康   

  1. 江苏省植保站 南京210037; 江都县植保站
  • 出版日期:1993-06-20 发布日期:1993-06-20

The preliminary studies on alternate of glyftor and chlorophacinone to control the striped field mouse, Apodemas agrarius Pallas

Shen Zhao-chang; et al   

  1. Jiangsu Plant Protection Station
  • Online:1993-06-20 Published:1993-06-20

摘要: 投放1.5%甘氟毒饵后7天,再用0.01%氯鼠酮毒饵防治农田黑线姬鼠,灭效达100%,高于两者单独使用的效果(单用甘氟的灭效为91.87%),但15天后鼠密度回升0.13个百分点(单用氯鼠酮的灭效为89.3%)。交替使用急、慢性杀鼠剂,不仅能提高防治效果,还能延缓抗凝血杀鼠剂抗性鼠的出现。

关键词: 甘氟, 氯鼠酮, 交替使用, 黑线姬鼠, 防治效果

Abstract: The control rate of 0.01% chloropacinone to striped field mouse, Apodenmus agrarius Pallas, used at 7 days after the 1.5% glyftor treatment was 100%, which was more effective than that of this two rodenticide use seperately, the control rate of 1.5% glyftor was 91.87%, but the mouse density rose 0.13% at 15th day after treatment, and the control rate of 0.01% chlorophacinone was 89.03%. Therefore, the rotating use of acute and chronic rodenticides to control field mouse could be considered to increase the mouse control rate and to delay the resistance of field mouse to antieongulant redenticides.