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马立军; 康希平; 陈桂兴; 平凡; 张纪霖; 傅永春; 朱曙光; 周成标; 李强民; 刘智宝; 刘光俞   

  1. 山东省临沂地区卫生防疫站 临沂276004
  • 出版日期:1993-06-20 发布日期:1993-06-20

Quantitatively evaluate about restricting elements for rodent control and countermeasures

Ma Li-jun;et al   

  1. Linyi District Health andEpidemic Prevention Station, Shandong,276004
  • Online:1993-06-20 Published:1993-06-20

摘要: 采用信函方式调查国内鼠防人士42人,收回合格答卷25份,其中技术人员7人,专家8人,部门领导10人。运用层次分析法(AHP),分别分析不同调查对象对鼠类防制效果制约因素和防制策略的评价,得出相应权重和排序。在鼠类防制效果制约因素中,起主要作用的是居民环境、生活卫生水平、领导重视程度和毒饵掺拌、投放质量;在防制策略中较为重要的是制订有效的鼠类防制规划,将鼠防工作纳入领导任期目标责任,优化生态环境和加强卫生宣教。分析还发现,不同调查对象的评价有职业差异。

关键词: 鼠类防制, 决策方法, 定量分析, 层次分析法

Abstract: We had posted 42 findings lists to personages for rodent control in China and received 25 reasonable lists. They had been written by 7 technical staffs, 8 experts and 10 sanitary officials. We respetively analysed the factors restricting the effect rodent control and the countermeasures by Analy tical Hie rarchy Process(AHP) and obtained their counterpoise weight anct arrange their importance. The primary factors are sanitary level of environment and residents, level of attention officials and quality of poison bait. The primary countermeasures are work out a long-term prog of famine about rodent eontrol, bring the work into responsibility of officials, improve ecosystem environment and strengthen health propaganda. The analysis also suggest that the evaluate from different personages have some disparity in vocation.