中国媒介生物学及控制杂志 ›› 2019, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (4): 374-378.DOI: 10.11853/j.issn.1003.8280.2019.04.004

• 虫媒传染病专题报道 • 上一篇    下一篇


马敏1, 徐明1, 易波1, 诸小东2, 严智勇3, 杨思嘉1, 王桂安1, 陈小英1, 孙斌1, 马晓1   

  1. 1 宁波市疾病预防控制中心消毒与媒介生物防制所/传染病防治所, 浙江 宁波 315010;
    2 宁波市康龙爱威病媒生物防制有限公司;
    3 宁波宇鹰病媒生物防制有限公司
  • 收稿日期:2019-02-28 出版日期:2019-08-20 发布日期:2019-08-20
  • 通讯作者: 马晓,
  • 作者简介:马敏,女,博士,主要从事媒介生物防制工作,
  • 基金资助:

Emergency surveillance of vector Aedes after a dengue outbreak

MA Min1, XU Ming1, YI Bo1, ZHU Xiao-dong2, YAN Zhi-yong3, YANG Si-jia1, WANG Gui-an1, CHEN Xiao-ying1, SUN Bin1, MA Xiao1   

  1. 1 Ningbo Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Ningbo 315010, Zhejiang Province, China;
    2 Ningbo Kanglongaiwei Vector Control Limited Company;
    3 Ningbo Yuying Vector Control Limited Company
  • Received:2019-02-28 Online:2019-08-20 Published:2019-08-20
  • Supported by:
    Supported by the Ningbo Medical Science and Technology Project (No. 2017A29) and Ningbo Health Branding Subject Fund Field Epidemiology (No. ppxk201810)

摘要: 目的 动态监测登革热核心区、警戒区和监控区媒介伊蚊密度,根据监测结果评估登革热传播风险并及时采取媒介伊蚊控制措施。方法 2018年8月下旬至10月下旬,在监控区采用布雷图指数(BI)法按旬加强幼蚊密度监测,监测生境选择城镇居民区、农村居民区及托幼/医疗机构;核心区和警戒区实行网格化管理,并同时采用BI法和双层叠帐法开展蚊媒密度应急监测及控制。结果 监控区平均BI为23.06,不同县(市、区)间平均BI差异较大,其中宁海县最高(50.42),海曙区最低(4.81)。市区平均BI(13.57)低于非市区(33.84),至10月下旬,全市平均BI下降至14.09,其中海曙区(1.77)和江北区(3.54)降至安全阈值以下(BI<5)。登革热核心区和警戒区平均BI为3.27;平均帐诱指数为1.02只/(顶·h)。各核心区在开始调查处置后,BI和帐诱指数快速下降并趋于平稳,分别于2.61和1.57 d后降至安全阈值以下。结论 通过科学合理的媒介应急监测,并根据监测结果采取强有力的防控措施,可以有效降低登革热媒介密度,控制登革热的传播。

关键词: 登革热, 网格化管理, 布雷图指数, 帐诱指数, 曲线估计

Abstract: Objective To survey dynamically the density of vector Aedes in the core area, warning area, and observing area, to evaluate the risk of dengue transmission based on the surveillance results, and to adopt control measures against vector Aedes. Methods From late August to late October, 2018, urban residential areas, rural residential areas, and nurseries or medical institutions were selected as surveillance habitats, and the densities of Aedes larvae in the observing area were surveyed by Breteau index (BI) every ten days; in the core area and warning area, communities with dengue cases received grid management, and the densities of vector Aedes were carried out emergency surveillance by BI and double bed net trap. Results The mean BI of observing area was 23.06. The mean BI varied widely in different counties (cities or districts). Ninghai county had the highest BI of 50.42, whereas Haishu district had the lowest BI of 4.81. The mean BI of urban areas (13.57) was significantly lower than that of suburban areas (33.84). By late October, the mean BI of the whole city declined to 14.09, especially in Haishu district (1.77) and Jiangbei district (3.54) (below the safety threshold, BI<5). The mean BI and bed net trap index in the core area and warning area were 3.27 and 1.02 mosquitoes per net per hour, respectively. Both BI and bed net trap index quickly declined and then leveled off after emergency investigation and settlement, and were below the safety thresholds after 2.61 and 1.57 days. Conclusion Based on the reasonable emergency surveillance of vector, combined with powerful prevention and control measures, the densities of dengue vectors can be effectively reduced to control the risk of dengue transmission.

Key words: Dengue, Grid management, Breteau index, Bed net trap index, Curve estimation
