Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control ›› 2019, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (2): 197-199.DOI: 10.11853/j.issn.1003.8280.2019.02.019

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Epidemiological investigation and analysis of human brucellosis from 2012 to 2016 in Dari county, Qinghai province, China

XUE Hong-mei, ZHAO Yuan-bo, YANG Xu-xin, YANG Ning-hai, MA Li, LI Ji-quan, TIAN Guang, QIN Yu-min, WANG Jian-ling, HU Gui-ying, ZHAO Yan-mei, XU Li-qing   

  1. Institute for Endemic Disease Control and Prevention of Qinghai Province, Xining 811602, Qinghai Province, China
  • Received:2018-10-09 Online:2019-04-20 Published:2019-04-20
  • Supported by:
    Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 81160355, 81860588)


薛红梅, 赵元博, 杨旭欣, 杨宁海, 马丽, 李积全, 田广, 秦豫民, 王建玲, 胡桂英, 赵延梅, 徐立青   

  1. 青海省地方病预防控制所布病预防控制科, 青海 西宁 811602
  • 通讯作者: 徐立青,
  • 作者简介:薛红梅,女,主管医师,主要从事布病防治工作,
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Objective To investigate the prevalence of brucellosis in Dari county, Qinghai province, China, and to provide a reference for developing effective prevention and control measures. Methods The data of the brucellosis patients from 2012 to 2016 in Dari county were collected for epidemiological analysis by Excel 2016 software. Results There were 36 cases of brucellosis during 2012-2016 in Dari county, with 14 new cases, all of whom were Tibetans, mainly aged from 20 to 49 years (12 cases). Brucellosis occurred mostly in herdsmen (31 cases); the main route of infection was contact with cattle and sheep (13 cases). Conclusion The epidemic of brucellosis has persisted in recent years, and health education of the key population should be strengthened.

Key words: Dari county, Brucellosis, Epidemiology

摘要: 目的 了解青海省达日县布鲁氏菌病(布病)流行情况,为制定有效的防控措施提供依据。方法 收集达日县2012-2016年布病病例资料,Excel 2016软件用于描述性流行病学分析。结果 5年间达日县共发生布病感染者36例,发现新发病例14例,均为藏族,以20~49岁年龄段为主(12例)。感染职业最多的为牧民(31例);14例新发病例中主要感染途径为与牛、羊接触(13例)。结论 近年布病疫情持续存在,应加强对重点人群的健康教育。

关键词: 达日县, 布鲁氏菌病, 流行病学

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