Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control ›› 2021, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (6): 715-719.DOI: 10.11853/j.issn.1003.8280.2021.06.012

• Vector Infectious Disease • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Epidemiological characteristics of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in Yunnan province, China, 2012-2020

ZHOU Ji-hua, ZHANG Yun-zhi, ZHANG Yu-zhen, YANG Wei-hong, FENG Yun   

  1. Yunnan Institute of Endemic Diseases Control and Prevention, Yunnan Provincial Key Laboratory for Zoonosis Control and Prevention, Dali, Yunnan 671000, China
  • Received:2021-06-24 Online:2021-12-20 Published:2021-12-15
  • Supported by:
    Supported by the Academician Xu Jian-guo Work Station (No. 2019YS07)


周济华, 张云智, 章域震, 杨卫红, 冯云   

  1. 云南省地方病防治所, 云南省自然疫源性疾病防控技术重点实验室, 云南 大理 671000
  • 作者简介:周济华,男,硕士,主管医师,主要从事疾病预防控制工作,
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in Yunnan province, China, 2012-2020 and understand the epidemic situation, and to provide a scientific basis for the prevention and control of HFRS. Methods HFRS case data and epidemiological data were collected and analyzed by the descriptive epidemiological method. Excel 2013 software was used to create the database, and SPSS 20.0 software was used for data analysis. Results From 2012 to 2020, a total of 1 834 cases of HFRS were reported, with 6 death cases. The mean annual incidence was 0.43/100 000, and the fatality rate was 0.33%. The incidence was lowest in 2012 (0.10/100 000) and highest in 2015 (0.56/100 000). Between 2014 and 2020, HFRS was in a high incidence state in Yunnan province, with 200 to 300 cases per year. Cases were reported in 71 counties (county-level cities or districts) of 13 prefectures (prefecture-level cities) of Yunnan province, mainly distributed in Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture (999/1 834, 54.47%) and Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture (670/1 834, 36.53%) in mid-western Yunnan province, and the combined number of cases in this two prefectures accounted for 91.00% (1 669 cases) of the total cases in Yunnan province. HFRS could occur in every month throughout the year, mainly from April to June. All age groups could be affected, mostly those aged between 20 and 60 years. The male-to-female ratio was 2.36:1, and the majority of cases were farmers (76.99%). Conclusion In recent years, HFRS in Yunnan province has been on the rise and at a high incidence. It is urgent to strengthen comprehensive control measures including health education, rodent control, and vaccination in the high-risk areas of mid-western Yunnan province.

Key words: Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, Epidemiological characteristic, Descriptive epidemiology

摘要: 目的 分析云南省2012-2020年肾综合征出血热(HFRS)流行病学特征,掌握疫情发展态势,为该病防控提供科学依据。方法 收集云南省2012-2020年HFRS病例资料和流行病学调查资料,采用描述流行病学方法进行分析,用Excel 2013软件建立数据库,用SPSS 20.0软件对资料进行统计和分析。结果 2012-2020年云南省共报告HFRS病例1 834例,死亡6例,年平均发病率为0.43/10万,病死率为0.33%。2012年发病率最低(0.10/10万),2015年发病率最高(0.56/10万),2014-2020年云南省HFRS处于高发状态,每年发病200~300例。云南省13个州(市)的71个县(市、区)有病例报告,主要分布在云南省中西部的大理白族自治州(999/1 834,54.47%)和楚雄彝族自治州(670/1 834,36.53%),这2个州病例数占全省病例总数的91.00%(1 669例)。全年各月均有病例发生,以4-6月为主。各年龄组均有发病,主要集中在20~60岁年龄组,男女性别比为2.36:1,职业以农民为主(占76.99%)。结论 近年来云南省HFRS疫情呈上升、高发态势,亟待加强云南省中西部HFRS高发地区的健康教育、灭鼠防鼠、疫苗接种等综合防控工作。

关键词: 肾综合征出血热, 流行特征, 描述性流行病学

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