Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control ›› 2015, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (3): 279-281.DOI: 10.11853/j.issn.1003.4692.2015.03.015

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Investigation of mosquito species and breeding sources of mosquito larvae in rice paddies in southwest area of Shandong province

KOU Jing-xuan, WANG Huai-wei, ZHANG Ben-guang, CHENG Peng, GUO Xiu-xia, ZHAO Yu-qiang, WANG Hai-fang, GONG Mao-qing   

  1. Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences, Shandong Institute of Parasitic Diseases, Jining 272033, Shandong Province, China
  • Received:2015-02-28 Online:2015-06-20 Published:2015-06-20
  • Supported by:

    Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 81271877)


寇景轩, 王怀位, 张本光, 程鹏, 郭秀霞, 赵玉强, 王海防, 公茂庆   

  1. 山东省医学科学院, 山东省寄生虫病防治研究所, 山东济宁272033
  • 通讯作者: 公茂庆,Email:
  • 作者简介:寇景轩,男,副研究员,主要从事媒介防治研究,Email:
  • 基金资助:



Objective To investigate mosquito species and breeding sources of mosquito larvae in rice paddies in southwest area of Shandong province and provide the basis for mosquito control in rice culturing area. Methods Mosquito larvae were collected from the habitats with dipping technique, Meanwhile adult mosquitoes were trapped by human-bait net, CO2 trapping lamp method and net capture method from wild habitats. Results In total, 11 species belonging to 6 genera were collected, among which 9 species were indicated by larvae, 11 species by adults. The predominant species were Culex tritaeniorhynchus Giles, Cx. pipiens pallens Coquillet and Anopheles sinensis Wiedemann, with ratios of 45.79%, 29.32% and 22.74%, respectively. The density of Culex and Anopheles larvae in rice paddies peaked in mid-to-late July and August. During epidemic season, the minimum and maximum density of Culex larvae were 0.08 and 1.88 larvae/dip, respectively. Meanwhile, the minimum and maximum density of Anopheles larvae were 0.09 and 2.82 larvae/dip, respectively. However, mosquito larvae were collected from rice paddies during all growing period of rice. Conclusion There is a rich biodiversity of mosquito species and breeding sources of mosquito larvae in rice culturing land in southwest area of Shandong province. Intermittent irrigation to control larvae in the rice fields may have been widely adopted, and above all, controlling adult mosquitoes is the best method to reduce mosquito-borne infectious diseases in this area.

Key words: Mosquito species, Mosquito-borne disease, Habitat


目的 调查鲁西南稻田区媒介蚊虫种类和蚊幼虫孳生情况,为稻田蚊虫的防治提供依据。方法 利用勺捕法调查蚊幼虫密度,成蚊调查采用人帐诱蚊法、CO2诱蚊灯诱捕法以及帐扣法。结果 鲁西南稻田区共捕获蚊虫6属11种,其中幼虫9种,成蚊11种,优势蚊种为三带喙库蚊、淡色库蚊和中华按蚊,分别占捕获成蚊总数的45.79%、29.32%和22.74%。在整个水稻生长季节,稻田均有幼虫孳生,稻田库蚊和按蚊幼虫密度分别在7月中下旬和8月中下旬出现两个高峰,库蚊高峰期幼虫密度最高为1.88条/勺,最低密度为0.08条/勺;按蚊高峰期幼虫密度最高达2.82条/勺,最低密度为0.09条/勺。结论 稻田区蚊虫孳生地种类多样化,蚊虫种类丰富,应以成蚊防治为主,稻田幼虫可采用田间间歇灌溉的方法控制密度。

关键词: 蚊虫种类, 蚊媒传染病, 生境

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