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  1. 安徽理工大学医学院前不见古人原生物学教研室 淮南232001
  • 出版日期:2008-10-20 发布日期:2008-10-20

A preliminarty catalogue of acaridia from house dust and stored produces in Anhui province

LI Chao-pin; LIU Xiao-yan; HE Ji; TAO Li   

  1. School of Medicince, Anhui University of Science&Technology, Huainan 232001, China
  • Online:2008-10-20 Published:2008-10-20

摘要: 目的 初步报道安徽省房舍和储藏物粉螨名录。方法 选取储藏物中的经济作物、粮食作物、干果及房舍灰尘4类样本为调查对象,利用电热集螨法和光驱螨法进行粉螨标本的采集、鉴定。结果 共分离鉴定出粉螨31种,录属于7科20属。结论 安徽省储藏物孳生粉螨种类多且污染严重,应加强储藏物孳生螨灯的防制和人体螨病的预防。

关键词: 粉螨, 储藏物, 房舍, 安徽省

Abstract: Objective To investigate the breeding condition of acaroid metes in Anhui provinces. Methods Samples from economic crop,grain crop,dry fruit and house dust were collected, and then solated and identified by light and Tullgren methods.Results 31specties of acariod mite were detected, which belonged to 20 genera and 7 families. Conclusion The constitution of acaroid metes community in stored fook tiik on diversification, and the pollution siuationcould not be neglected.constitution of acaroid mites community in stored fok took on diversification, and the pollution siution could not be negected.