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董大勇1;蒋宝贵1;邓永强1 张利军2; 张辉2; 李峰2; 王玉民3   

  1. 1军事医学科学院微生物流行病研究所病原微生物生物安全国家重点实验室 北京100071;2军事医学科学院疾病预防控制所; 3军事医学科学院科技部
  • 出版日期:2008-10-20 发布日期:2008-10-20

Vector monitoring after strong earthquake in Yingxiu town,Wenchuan county

DONG Da-yong*; JIANG Bao-gui; DENG Yong-qiang; ZHANG Li-jun; ZHANG Hui; LI Feng; WANG Yu-min   

  1. State Key Laboratory of Pathogen and Biosecurity, Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, Academy of Military Medical Science, Beijing 100071, China
  • Online:2008-10-20 Published:2008-10-20

摘要: 目的 了解汶川特大地震对病媒生物及相关传染病产生的影响,及时掌握地震灾区病媒生物种类、密度动态,为病媒生物性疾病风险评估提供可靠依据。方法 对鼠、蚊、蝇密度进行大范围的横断面调查,对生活区帐篷、垃圾点和厕所蝇密度进行每日监测。鼠密度监测采用鼠夹法,蝇密度监测采用粘蝇板法和目测法,蚊类密度监测采用诱蚊法和目测法。结果 监测结果显示,目前地震灾区鼠和蚊密度非常低,蝇类的密度总体上控制在参考指标以下,但厨房、厕所和生活垃圾处理存在问题,部分地点蝇类密度较高。结论 要注意加强对安置点居民的健康教育,并进一步做好居民安置点的消毒及蚊、蝇监测工作。

关键词: 媒介生物, 密度, 监测方法

Abstract: Objective To learn the influence of the earthquake in Wenchuan on vectors and vector borne disease,grasp timely the vector species and its density dynamics,and provide a reliable basis for the risk assessment of vector borne disease.Methods Investigate the density of rats,mosquitoes and flies in a large scale.Monitor the density of flies in the tents of living areas,trash-dropping places and washrooms daily.Survey the rats density with rat folders method,flies density with sticky flies plate and eyeballing method,mosquito density with trap-mosquito method and eyeballing method.Results The result showed that the density of rats and mosquitoes was relatively lower,and the density of flies was under the reference index as a whole.The flies density was higher in some places because there was still some trouble in the garbage disposal of kitchens and washroom.Conclusion We should strengthen the health and sanitation education to the victims,and try our best to do the disinfecion and vector monitor works at the victim temporary habitation.