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朱晓宇 1;海荣1;宋志忠2; 魏建春1; 夏连续1; 郭英2; 张慧娟1; 俞东征1   

  1. 1中国疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制所传染病预防控制国家重点实验室 北京102206;2云南省地方病防治所
  • 出版日期:2008-04-20 发布日期:2008-04-20

The primary genetic analysis of Yersinia pestis from Yulong with insertion sequence IS285

ZHU Xiao-yu; HAI Rong; SONG Zhi-zhong; WEI Jian-chun; XIA Lian-xu; GUO Ying; ZHANG Hui-juan; YU Dong-zheng   

  1. State Key Laboratory for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control, National Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 102206, China
  • Online:2008-04-20 Published:2008-04-20

摘要: 目的 了解新发现的玉龙鼠疫菌的遗传特征,分析其与中国各型鼠疫菌的亲缘关系。方法 根据鼠疫菌CO92株基因组DNA中的6个IS285位点设计引物,利用聚合酶链反应(PCR)对玉龙鼠疫菌及我国其他各型鼠疫菌进行分析,通过SPSS软件对结果进行聚类。结果 与CO92相比,我国鼠疫菌的某些IS285位点存在变异。5株玉龙鼠疫菌中有4株结果一致,另1株的一个位点发生变异。通过6个位点的PCR,可以将我国鼠疫菌聚为8类。所研究的5株玉龙鼠疫菌分别属于2种聚类,其中4株与滇西纵谷型、滇闽居民型及大部分灰旱獭菌株、全部喜马拉雅旱獭菌株聚为一类。结论 对玉龙鼠疫菌的遗传特征获得初步了解,提示玉龙菌株在我国鼠疫菌传播演化过程中可能具有较重要地位。

关键词: 鼠疫耶尔森菌, IS285, 聚类

Abstract: Objective To know about the genetic characteristics of a new kind of Yersinia pestis, isolated at Yulong, Yunnan province of China, and to analyze the relationship between these strains and the other types of Y.pestis of China. Methods The primers were designed according to six IS285 sites of DNA genome of CO92 strain. The differences between Yulong strains and other strains of Y.pestis were analyzed by PCR and cluster analysis. Results Compared to CO92 strain, Chinese strains had some variation at some IS285 sites. 4 of the 5 Yulong strains had the same profile of IS285, while the other one presented variation at one site. On the bases of PCR, the types of ChineseY.pestis could be clustered as 8 groups. The 5 Yulong strains were divided into two groups. Four strains of them, plus Dianxi zonggu and Dianmin jumin, most of strains isolating from Marmota baibacina, and all of strains isolating from Marmota himalayana belongs to one group. Conclusion The genetic characteristic of Y.pestis from Yulong was known primarily, suggesting the importance of Yulong strains during the prevalence and evolution of Chinese Y.pestis strains.