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张云1; 郭恒彬1; 吴光华1; 姜克俭2; 张家驹2; 甘粤怀2   

  1. 1.南京军区军事医学研究所(南京,210002);2.陕西省卫生防疫站
  • 出版日期:1996-06-20 发布日期:1996-06-20

Studies on Bionomics and Life History of Leptotrombidium (L.) scutellare

Zhang Yun;Guo Heng-bin;Wu Guang-hua;et al   

  1. Institute of Military Medicine,Nanjing Command,PLA,Nanjing 210002
  • Online:1996-06-20 Published:1996-06-20

摘要: 根据流行病学证据,小盾纤恙螨被认为是肾综合征出血热和秋季型恙虫病的可疑传播媒介。我们对该种螨的生态习性和生活史进行了研究,证实其是疫区鼠体的优势螨种;以黑线姬鼠(Apodemus agrarius)、社鼠(Rattus confucianus)、褐家鼠(R.norvegicus)和大仓鼠(cricetulus triton为主要宿主动物;其季节消长与这两种病的季节分布相关;其分布与环境的隐蔽、湿度和鼠的多少密切相关;在26℃条件下,一个生活周期约需1年:幼虫→若虫、若虫→成虫、幼虫→成虫的成长率分别为68.9%、80.9%和55.7%。

关键词: 小盾纤恙螨, 生态习性, 生活史

Abstract: According to the epidemiological evidence,Leptotrombidium(L.) scutellare was considered to be the suspected vector of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome and tsutsugamushi disease of autumn-type. We carried out a series of studies on its bionomics and life history,the main results were as follows: L.(L.)scutellare was the dominant species of chigger mites on rats in the endemic areas: the main hosts were Apodemus agrarius, Rattus confucianus,R. norvegicus and Cricetulus triton: its seasonal distribution was correlated with the incidence of these two diseases: its distribution was closely related to the degree of shelter, moisture of the soil and the density of rats. In general, under 26℃, it took one year to complete the entire life cycle, the survival percentage of larva to nymph,nymph to adult and larva to adult were 68.9%,80.9% and 55.7% respectively.