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张再兴1; 黄荣1; 何国军2; 肖正荣3; 鲍子荣4; 赵士兴4   

  1. 1云南省疟疾防治研究所 思茅665000; 2临沧地区卫生防疫站; 3沧源县卫生防疫站;4沧源县班老乡卫生院
  • 出版日期:1995-02-20 发布日期:1995-02-20

Investigation of Specis,Night Activity and Season Fluctuaion of Anopheles at Banlao Township,Cangyan County

Zhang Zai-xing;et al   

  1. Yunnan Instiute of Malaria Prvention and Treatment
  • Online:1995-02-20 Published:1995-02-20

摘要: 调查发现17种按蚊共12152只,以多斑按蚊,中华按蚊和迷糊按蚊最多,分别占37.96%、22.84%和20.13%、微小按蚊、吉甫按蚊和大劣按蚊各占1.41%、0.35%和0.01%。半通宵方法观察,微小按蚊在人房和牛房的捕获数均比室外人诱到的多,且夜间持续时间长,提示在类似地区进行杀虫剂对微小按蚊的控制效果研究时,以观察室内密度为佳,中华按蚊、多斑按蚊和微小按蚊仅在8~9月有1个高峰,其它时期密度均低,推测仅在峰前1个月左右保质保量进行一次杀虫剂喷洒,即可有效地压低媒介高峰,控制疟疾发病高峰。

关键词: 按蚊相, 夜间活动, 季节消长

Abstract: The results showed that 12152 mosquitoes of 17 species of anopheles were cought.Most of them were An.maculatus,An.Sinensis and An.vagus,accounting for 37.96%,28.44% and 20.13% respectively.and An.minimus 1.41%,An.jeyporiensis 0.35% An.dirus 0.01%.the number of An.minimus captured in house and cattleshed was more than that in outdoor manbait and An. Minimus active a longer time,It indicated that monitoring indoor density is the best way for the study of controling An.minimus with pesticide in the similar area. There is only one peak bet ween August and September and there is a lower density for An.sinensis,An.maculatus and An.minimus in other time Thus,indoor spraying of insecticide about once a month before the peak may suppress the peak of vector so as to control the peak of malaria incidence.