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徐保海1; 姜法荣2; 刘庆生1   

  1. 福建省寄生虫病研究所 福州350001; 邵武市卫生防疫站
  • 出版日期:1995-02-20 发布日期:1995-02-20

A survey on the Bloodsucking Activities of Tabanids in the Mountain of F0jian Province,China

Xu Bao-hai;et al   

  1. Fujian Institute of parasitologic Disease,Fuzhou,350001
  • Online:1995-02-20 Published:1995-02-20

摘要: 本文报道福建山区7~8月虻类吸血活动规律观察结果,计捕获吸血虻类4属36种,浙江虻为山区优势虻种,当地虻类吸血活动以傍晚16~19时为高峰,约占日刺叮率的49.6%,平均每头耕牛1天可受2379.6只吸血虻的攻击;重要虻种吸血量为66~448mg,以日刺叮率估算,山区1头耕牛固虻类刺叮1天大约失血1000g。

关键词: 虻, 吸血活动, 吸血量

Abstract: This paper reports the result of survey on the feeding activities of Tabanids at the Mountains of Shaowu city.There are 36 species.collected from the July to August 1992.The peak time of blood sucking found in afternoom(about 16-190'clock),it takes 49.6% of the total bite rate and a cattle were sucked 2379.6 times in a day by the various Tabanids Tabanus chekia gensis was one of the dominant specier in the locatity. The amount of the dominant species.The blood taken by a small species as Chrysops vanderwulpi is 66 mg.but the larger species are about 450 mg as Tabanus lineataenia,a cattle can lose it blood 1000 g by the sucking of Tabanids in a day.