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汤永康1; 陶芒2; 孙乃钩3   

  1. 1浙江省卫生防疫站 杭州310009; 2浙江省轻化工研究所; 3浙江省长兴丰康卫生用品厂
  • 出版日期:1993-06-20 发布日期:1993-06-20

The observations on the effectiveness of ungrain poison bait against experimental animals

Tang Yong-kang;et al   

  1. Sanitary and antiepidemic station, Hangzhou, Zhe-jiang
  • Online:1993-06-20 Published:1993-06-20

摘要: 本文报道非粮食灭鼠用饵料(UFSB)在实验室对褐家鼠、大白鼠、小家鼠的适口性观察和加入灭鼠剂作了毒杀试验。结果:褐家鼠对UFSB的消耗率为81.89%,与大米对照,X2=40.86,P<0.01,摄入系数为2.05;大白鼠的消耗率为85.44%,X2=89.18,P<0.01,摄入系数为2.33。UFSB加入1/万溴敌隆,褐家鼠的毒饵消耗率为45.94%,X2=10.14,P<0.01,摄入系数为1.59;UFSB配制15/万敌鼠钠盐毒饵,消耗率为27.64%,X2=17.94,P<0.01。小白鼠的摄入系数为4.85。

关键词: 非粮, 灭鼠, 饵料

Abstract: The experiment of the effects on the ungrain poison bait against experimental animals has been carried out in laboratory, and the bait palatability for the rodent has also been observed The result shows that consumption rate of bait (UFSB)for Rattus norvigicus is 81.89 percent, compared that with rice controlled group. By means of chi-square test: x2=40.86. P<0.01, coefficient of taking in baits is 2.05. The consumption rate of bait for rats is 85.44 percent. BY chi-square test: X2=73.86, P<0.01, and coeffecient of taking in bait is 2.33. The next test, Bromadiolone at the concentration of 1=10000 was added to bait (UFSB), as poison bait against Rattus norvegicus, was carried out. The result as following: The consumption rate of poison bait for R. norvegicns is 45.94 percent, by chisquare test: X2=10.14, P<0.01, coefficient of taking in baits is 1.59. Then. Diphacinone-Na at the concentration of 15: 10000 was mixed with UFSB, as poison bait is 27.64 percent, X2=14.47, P<0.01, coefficient of taking in baits for mouse is 4.85.