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安志儒; 林立丰; 梁永昂; 黄湘东   

  1. 广东省卫生防疫站 广州510300
  • 出版日期:1993-06-20 发布日期:1993-06-20

Observation on the Efficacy of Alphacypermethrin 1.5 S.C.Against Mosguito, Housefly and Cockroach

An Zhi-ru;et al   

  1. Public Health and Anti-epidemic Station of Guangdong, Guangzhon 510300
  • Online:1993-06-20 Published:1993-06-20

摘要: 在实验室条件下,奋斗呐悬浮剂在玻璃、水泥、石灰三种建材表面,对蚊、蝇、蟑螂有良好的击杀作用及滞留杀灭效果,剂量为10mg a.i/m2于50℃恒温贮存4周(相当自然存放2年)后,对蚊、蝇的击倒中时分别波动在4.37~8.32及4.33~5.90min之间,24h死亡率均为100%;剂量为15mg a.i/m2在相当于自然存放2年内,对美洲大蠊的KT50在7.77~22.71min之间,72h死亡率是100%;而油漆木板面对3种试虫的效果相对稍差,但仍有较好的杀灭作用。现场试验,施药后第1天,蚊、蝇、蟑螂密度下降率分别为98.7%、97.8%及99.9%,2个月后密度下降仍达85.8%、90.3%及100%。该制剂还具有在施药时刺激性小,不留明显药迹,使用方便等优点。

关键词: 奋斗呐, 悬浮剂, 生物效果, 卫生害虫

Abstract: It is reported the observations on the efficacy of 1.5% sttspension concentration of alphacypermethrin(SC)against moquito, housefly and cockroach in the laboratory and field. The surfaces of four kinds of building material, glass, cement, lime and painted-board were treated with the SC and stored at a constant temperature of 50℃ in laboratory. The values of KT50 of the first three materials at the dosage of 10 mg ai/m2 were 4.37~8.32 and 4.33~5.90 minute within 4 weeks for Cx. quihquefasciatus and M. domestica respectively with 100% 24 hoursmortality and the values of KT50 at the dosage of 15 mg a·i/m2 were 7.77~22.71 minute within 4 weeks for P. americana with 100% 72 hours mortality. The efficacy of the last material was lower than that of the three. The densities of mosquitoes, houseflies, cockroaches decreased by 98.70, 97.80 and 99.9% respectively in the field trial one day aftertreated with SC at the dosage of 15~30 mg·ai/m2 and decreased by 85.80, 90.30 and 100% respectively after 2 months. The advantages of alphacypermethrin 1.5 SC were little irritation and dust and convenience for use.