中国媒介生物学及控制杂志 ›› 2022, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (2): 281-288.DOI: 10.11853/j.issn.1003.8280.2022.02.022

• 调查研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


伦辛畅1, 杨锐2, 林凌鸿3, 王君1, 郭玉红1, 修朋程1, 李鸿斌4, 朱进4, 高阳4, 刘起勇1, 孟凤霞1   

  1. 1. 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制所媒介生物控制室, 传染病预防控制国家重点实验室, WHO媒介生物监测与管理合作中心, 北京 102206;
    2. 云南省寄生虫病防治所, 云南 普洱 665000;
    3. 福州市疾病预防控制中心, 福建 福州 350004;
    4. 西双版纳傣族自治州疾病预防控制中心, 云南 西双版纳 666100
  • 收稿日期:2021-12-31 出版日期:2022-04-20 发布日期:2022-05-09
  • 通讯作者: 孟凤霞,
  • 作者简介:伦辛畅,女,在读硕士,主要从事媒介生物传染病的统计学分析工作,
  • 基金资助:

Analysis of knowledge, attitude and practice toward dengue fever among residents in Jinghong city, Xishuangbanna Prefecture, Yunnan province, China

LUN Xin-chang1, YANG Rui2, LIN Ling-hong3, WANG Jun1, GUO Yu-hong1, XIU Peng-cheng1, LI Hong-bin4, ZHU Jin4, GAO Yang4, LIU Qi-yong1, MENG Feng-xia1   

  1. 1. State Key Laboratory of Infectious Disease Prevention and Control, Department of Vector Biology and Control, National Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, WHO Collaborating Centre for Vector Surveillance and Management, Beijing 102206, China;
    2. Yunnan Institute of Parasitic Diseases Control, Pu'er, Yunnan 665000, China;
    3. Fuzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Fuzhou, Fujian 350004, China;
    4. Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan 666100, China
  • Received:2021-12-31 Online:2022-04-20 Published:2022-05-09
  • Supported by:
    National Science and Technology Major Project of China (No. 2018ZX10101002-002)

摘要: 目的 了解景洪市居民登革热的知信行现状以及对居民进行宣传教育的防控重点,为更好地防控景洪市的登革热提供指导建议。方法 对居住在景洪市嘎洒镇、告庄社区以及财富中心地区,年龄≥11岁的中国籍居民进行线下问卷调查,对未参与线下调查的景洪市其他居民进行线上调查,使用EpiData 3.1软件进行问卷录入,使用SPSS 19.0软件进行描述性统计分析、χ2等检验。结果 本次通过线上和线下2种调查方式共获得调查问卷558份,93.89%的居民存在被蚊虫叮咬的情况,最常被叮咬的场所在草丛或灌木丛中及家里,居民预防蚊虫叮咬采取的措施较为多样;在出现发热、头痛、关节痛等症状时,91.73%的居民会首先到正规医院进行治疗。景洪市参与调查的居民中,听说过登革热的居民有525人,占比94.09%;在这些居民中,登革热由蚊虫传播及幼虫生长在水里的知晓率较高,分别占比96.76%和87.43%;在了解登革热知识的途径上,社区宣传途径占比最大,为74.10%,同时希望继续通过该途径学习登革热知识的居民也占比最大,为66.41%;86.10%的居民认为避免蚊虫叮咬是防控登革热最有效的措施。结论 景洪市居民对登革热的传播途径、媒介蚊虫的孳生环境及防控知识较为了解,但是蚊虫孳生环境的知晓率低于登革热传播途径的知晓率,且蚊虫的防控还需进一步加强,可通过社区宣传、电视广播、医务人员讲解等途径加大对居民防护登革热的宣传教育。

关键词: 景洪市, 登革热防控, 问卷调查, 现状

Abstract: Objectives To understand the knowledge, attitude, and practice toward dengue fever among residents in Jinghong city and the priorities of publicity and education,and to provide guidance and suggestions for better prevention and control of dengue fever in Jinghong. Methods The residents ≥ 11 years old living in Gasa town,Gaozhuang and Fortune Center of Jinghong were surveyed using offline questionnaires, and the other residents of Jinghong were surveyed online. Data from questionnaires were entered into Epidata 3.1, and SPSS 19.0 software was used for descriptive statistical analysis and Chi-square or other tests. Results A total of 558 questionnaires were collected through online and offline surveys. The results showed that 93.89% of residents were bitten by mosquitoes. Bites mostly occurred in lawns,bushes,and at home,and various measures were used to prevent mosquito bites. With symptoms of fever,headache, and joint pain,91.73% of residents would go to hospitals for treatment. Among the residents surveyed, 525 had heard of dengue fever (94.09%),and 96.76% and 87.43% of them were aware of the fact that dengue fever is transmitted by mosquitoes and larvae live in water,respectively. In terms of the routes to learn about dengue fever, community publicity accounted for the largest proportion of 74.10%, and the highest proportion (66.41%) of residents wished to learn more about dengue via the same route. Meanwhile, 86.10% of residents believed that avoiding mosquito bites was the most effective way to prevent and control dengue fever. Conclusion Residents in Jinghong city were aware of the transmission route of dengue fever, mosquito breeding environment,and prevention and control measures, but the awareness of mosquito breeding environment was less than that of dengue fever transmission route, and the prevention and control of mosquitoes need to be further strengthened. Community publicity, television, radio, and explanation by healthcare provider can be used to increase the publicity and education of residents on the prevention and control of dengue fever.

Key words: Jinghong city, Dengue fever prevention and control, Questionnaire survey, Situation
