Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control ›› 2014, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (6): 563-565.DOI: 10.11853/j.issn.1003.4692.2014.06.021

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Surveillance for rabies post-exposure prophylaxis in Qingdao, China, from 2009 to 2013

QIU Bo, LIANG Ji-wei, XIN Hua-lei, JIANG Fa-chun   

  1. Qingdao Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Qingdao 266033, Shandong Province, China
  • Received:2014-08-12 Online:2014-12-20 Published:2014-12-20


邱波, 梁纪伟, 辛化雷, 姜法春   

  1. 青岛市疾病预防控制中心传染病防制科, 山东 青岛 266033
  • 作者简介:邱波,男,副主任医师,主要从事自然疫源性疾病防控工作,Email:


Objective To investigate the current status of rabies post-exposure prophylaxis from 2009 to 2013 in Qingdao, China. Methods The monthly data of rabies post-exposure prophylaxis were analyzed using descriptive method. Results From 2009 to 2013, there was an upward trend in the rabies exposure rate with an average of 518.26/100 000, and the highest rate was 1008.54/100 000 found in the Qingdao Economic and Technological Development Zone among all the county-level cities and districts. The incidence of exposure was higher in summer and autumn than in spring and winter, and the number of incidents from May to October constituted 64.34% of all incidents. The exposure rate was higher in males. The exposure rate in 0-14 years of age was 784.21/100 000 and the highest of all ages. The number of persons with degreeⅡand Ⅲ exposure accounted for 43.38% and 56.62%, respectively, of all exposures. Dog bites constituted 92.94% of all exposures. All exposed persons were inoculated with rabies vaccines and 1.00% of persons with degreeⅢ exposure were given passive immunizing agents. Conclusion During the period of 2009-2013, rabies exposure rate showed an increasing trend year by year in Qingdao. The focus should lie on rabies post-exposure prophylaxis and comprehensive measures must be taken for the prevention and control of rabies.

Key words: Rabies, Surveillance, Exposure, Prophylaxis


目的 掌握青岛市2009-2013年狂犬病暴露处置现状。方法 按月统计狂犬病暴露预防处置数据,并对全部资料进行描述分析。结果 2009-2013年,全市狂犬病暴露率呈逐年上升趋势,平均为518.26/10万。其中开发区暴露率位居所有区(市)之首,为1008.54/10万。每年夏秋季暴露数均高于春冬季,5-10月占总数的64.34%。男性暴露率高于女性,0~14岁暴露率最高,为784.21/10万。Ⅱ级和Ⅲ级暴露人数分别占总数的43.38%和56.62%。被犬致伤占92.94%,所有暴露者均接种了狂犬病疫苗,Ⅲ级暴露者被动免疫制剂使用率为1.00%。结论 2009-2013年青岛市狂犬病暴露逐年增加。应以暴露处置为重点,加强狂犬病综合防控。

关键词: 狂犬病, 监测, 暴露, 预防处置

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