Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control ›› 2015, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (5): 483-485.DOI: 10.11853/j.issn.1003.4692.2015.05.013

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Effectiveness of monitoring?dusting technology for controlling termites

HU Yin, SONG Li, SONG Xiao-gang   

  1. National Termite Control Center of China, Hangzhou 310011, Zhejiang Province, China
  • Received:2015-06-01 Online:2015-10-20 Published:2015-10-20
  • Supported by:

    Supported by the Scientific Research Project of MOHURD’s (No. 2011-K6-31)


胡寅, 宋立, 宋晓钢   

  1. 全国白蚁防治中心, 浙江 杭州 310011
  • 作者简介:胡寅, 男, 硕士, 高级工程师, 主要从事白蚁防治技术研究, Email:
  • 基金资助:



Objective Monitoring?dusting technology is a recently developed technology for controlling termites. This technology is more environmentally friendly compared to traditional termiticide liquid barrier and has great potential for termite management. Our study is to investigate the effectiveness of this technology for controlling termites in the field. Methods The effectiveness to eliminate termite colony and to decrease numbers of termites was evaluated with the termite monitor?controlling device and 0.5% fipronil dust in the field. Results Among the 28 Coptotermes colonies and 50 Reticulitermes colonies tested, 17 Coptotermes colonies and 30 Reticulitermes colonies were completely eliminated. The individual numbers of 11 Coptotermes colonies and 20 Reticulitermes colonies have been reduced significantly. To eliminate one Coptotermes or one Reticulitermes colony, 5-10 grams or 3-5 grams of 0.5% fipronil dust were consumed respectively. In field tests, 27 005 monitor?controlling devices were installed in the area of 2 510 879 m2. After applying the 0.5% fipronil dust to treat the termites in 2121 of 2333 monitor-controlling devices that detected the termites, no termites were found in 1919 monitor?controlling devices after six months. Conclusion Monitoring?dusting technology is an effective approach for controlling termites.

Key words: Coptotermes sp., Reticulitermes sp., Monitoring?controlling device, Fipronil, Dusting


目的 白蚁监控喷粉技术是环保型白蚁防治新技术, 具有极大的推广价值和应用前景。明确白蚁监控喷粉技术现场控制白蚁的效果, 以期为全国白蚁防治行业推广应用该技术提供必需的基础信息。方法 采用小范围灭巢试验和大规模现场应用试验两种形式, 在全国有代表性的地区研究白蚁监控喷粉技术对白蚁巢群的杀灭效果和目标区域整体蚁害的控制效果。结果 小范围灭巢试验时对28个乳白蚁巢群和50个散白蚁巢群用0.5%氟虫腈粉剂进行喷粉处理, 共有17个乳白蚁巢群和30个散白蚁巢群被消灭, 11个乳白蚁巢群和20个散白蚁巢群的白蚁未完全消灭, 但个体数量大幅度减少。杀灭白蚁巢群所用药量乳白蚁为5~10 g/巢, 散白蚁为3~5 g/巢。大规模现场应用试验时防治面积共2 510 879 m2, 安装白蚁监测控制装置27 005套, 共有2333套装置监测到白蚁, 对其中2121套装置内的白蚁用0.5%氟虫腈粉剂进行处理, 结果1919套装置内再无白蚁活动, 蚁害率下降了90.44%。结论 白蚁监控喷粉技术可对一定区域内的白蚁危害进行有效控制。

关键词: 乳白蚁, 散白蚁, 监测控制, 氟虫腈, 喷粉处理

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