Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control ›› 2014, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (1): 58-61.DOI: 10.11853/j.issn.1003.4692.2014.01.016

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Species diversity and faunal distribution characteristics of termitesat Yibin city in Sichuan province, China

YAN Shao-hui, PENG Xiao-tao, SUN Xu, PENG Zheng-ling   

  1. Yibin Institute of Termite Control, Yibin 644000, Sichuan Province, China
  • Received:2013-08-26 Online:2014-02-20 Published:2014-02-20



  1. 宜宾市白蚁防治研究所,四川 宜宾 644000
  • 作者简介:严少辉, 男, 硕士, 工程师, 主要从事白蚁及其综合防治研究。Email:

Abstract: Objective To investigate the species diversity and faunal distribution characteristics of termites at Yibin city in Sichuan province, China. Methods Termite specimens were collected in a wide range of habitats, including building area, garden and green land area, farmland and living area, hillside and meadow area, artificial forest area, and natural forest area. Results Based on five years of investigation and identification, 22 species of termites, belonging to 9 genera and 3 families, at Yibin city were recorded. The dominant termite species included Odontotermes formosanus (32.75%), Reticulitermes chinensis (24.24%), R. flavipes (15.98%), R. aculabialis (7.31%), R. leptomandibularis (5.32%), and Pericapritermes yibinensis (4.69%), which accounted for 27.27% of the total species richness. There were 7 city wide distributed species (31.82% of the total species richness), i.e., O. formosanus, R. chinensis, R. flavipes, R. aculabialis, R. leptomandibularis, Reticulitermes lingulatus, and Pericapritermes jangtsekiangensis. According to the fauna in China, Yibin falls into the Sichuan Basin sub region of mid-subtropical evergreen broad?leaved forest region; based on the zoogeographical divisions and divisions of termite fauna, the termite fauna in Yibin was divided into five sections: tail of Liangshan Mountain section in west Yibin (Ⅰ), side of Sichuan Basin section in south Yibin (Ⅱ), tail of Huayingshan Mountain section in northeast Yibin (Ⅲ), east mountain range and valley of Sichuan Basin section in southeast Yibin (Ⅳ), and central hill of Sichuan Basin section in northwest Yibin (Ⅴ). Within sectionⅠ, 11 species belonging to 6 genera and 3 families were identified; among the 11 species, there were 4 dominant species and 3 indigenous species. Within section Ⅱ, 15 species belonging to 4 genera and 2 families were identified; among the 15 species, there were 3 dominant species and 3 indigenous species. Within section Ⅲ, 14 species belonging to 4 genera and 2 families were identified; among the 14 species, there were 5 dominant species and 2 indigenous species. In section Ⅳ, 12 species belonging to 5 genera and 3 families were identified; among the 12 species, there were 4 dominant species and 1 indigenous species. Within section Ⅴ, 8 species belonging to 3 genera and 2 families were identified; among the 8 species, there were 5 dominant species and no indigenous species. The species richness was significantly lower in section Ⅴ than in other sections. From the high mountain area in southwest Yibin to the shallow hill area in northeast Yibin, the altitude decreased significantly, and the number of termite species increased gradually. Conclusion This investigation elucidated the species diversity and faunal distribution characteristics of termites at Yibin city. It also provides a scientific basis for the ecological study and control of termites at Yibin city in Sichuan province, China.

Key words: Termite species, Termite fauna, Dominant species, Endemic species, Yibin

摘要: 目的 调查四川省宜宾市辖区内白蚁物种的多样性,研究其区系分布特征。方法 采用大面积广泛调查方法,在房屋建筑区、园林绿地区、农田生活区、山坡草地区、人工林区及自然林区等生境中采集白蚁标本。结果 经5年考察和鉴定,记述了宜宾市白蚁种类3科9属22种,其中优势类群为黑翅土白蚁(占标本总数的32.75%)、黑胸散白蚁(24.24%)、黄胸散白蚁(15.98%)、尖唇散白蚁(7.31%)、细颚散白蚁(5.32%)和宜宾近扭白蚁(4.69%),占总种数的27.27%。全市性种类为黑翅土白蚁、黑胸散白蚁、黄胸散白蚁、尖唇散白蚁、细颚散白蚁、舌唇散白蚁和扬子江近扭白蚁,占总种数的31.82%。在我国动物区系划分中,宜宾市属中亚热带常绿阔叶林区四川盆地亚区,结合动物地理区划和白蚁区划格局,把宜宾白蚁区系划分为戎西凉山余绪区(Ⅰ)、戎南四川盆地盆舷区(Ⅱ)、戎东北华蓥山余脉区(Ⅲ)、戎东南四川盆地东岭谷区(Ⅳ)、戎西北四川盆地盆中方山丘陵区(Ⅴ)5个生态区。Ⅰ区发现白蚁3科6属11种,优势种4种,特有种3种;Ⅱ区发现白蚁2科4属15种,优势种3种,特有种3种;Ⅲ区发现白蚁2科4属14种,优势种5种,特有种2种;Ⅳ区发现白蚁3科5属12种,优势种4种,特有种1种;Ⅴ区发现白蚁2科3属8种,优势种5种,无特有种。Ⅴ区白蚁种类明显少于其他区。从西南部高山区向东北部浅丘区,海拔明显降低,白蚁种类从南向北逐渐增多。结论 此次调查明确了四川省宜宾市辖区内白蚁物种的多样性及其区系分布特征,为四川省宜宾市白蚁的生态和防治研究提供了科学依据。

关键词: 白蚁种类, 区系, 优势种, 特有种, 宜宾

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