Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control ›› 2010, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (6): 603-604.

• Original reports • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Analysis of surveillance data on flies in Minhang district in 2008

TIAN Xia, LIU Li-jun, FAN Ye, XI Yun, WANG Gui-fang   

  1. Minhang District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shanghai 201101, China
  • Received:2010-08-29 Online:2010-12-20 Published:2010-12-20


田霞, 刘丽军, 范烨, 席韵, 王桂芳   

  1. 闵行区疾病预防控制中心防疫科(上海 闵行 201101)
  • 作者简介:田霞(1978-),女,主管医师,从事媒介生物防制工作。Email:


Objective To know the density of flies and their seasonal fluctuation in Minhang district for providing a scientific basis for their control. Methods The cage trap method was used, with one canopy with fresh baits set at each monitoring point for six hours (9:00 to 15:00). The flies caught by cage were collected after killed by ether and classified, and the density calculated. Results The average density of flies was 1.09 flies/cage, and that in green belt, farmers market and residential area was 1.44, 1.15 and 0.95 flies/cage, respectively. The dominant species were Musca domestica, Sericata, Sarcophagidae and Chrysomya megacephal. A bimodal density distribution with seasonal variation was seen with the peak mainly in June and September. Conclusion The density and population of flies vary with the season and breeding environment, with temperature, the breeding environment and the control measures being the major influencing factors. Integrated control measures should be taken with a top priority given to the environment management, plus chemical control to reduce the density of flies and control the prevalence of infectious diseases.

Key words: Fly density, Seasonal fluctuation, Influencing factors


目的 掌握闵行区的蝇类密度与季节消长规律,为蝇类防制提供科学依据。方法 笼诱法。每个监测点设置1个配有新鲜饵料的天幕式捕蝇笼,放置6 h(9:00-15:00),收集到的蝇类用乙醚杀死后分类,统计各蝇种数量,并计算蝇类密度。结果 闵行区2008年平均蝇类密度为1.09只/笼;其中绿化带、农贸市场、居民小区分别为1.44、1.15和0.95只/笼;优势蝇种为家蝇、绿蝇、麻蝇和金蝇;蝇类季节消长呈双峰型,高峰在6、9月。结论 不同季节、不同生态环境的蝇类密度和种群均有差异,气温、孳生环境、防治措施是主要的影响因素。有关部门应在冬末春初及早开展以环境治理为主、化学防治为辅的综合防制措施,以达到降低蝇密度,控制传染病发生与流行的目的。

关键词: 蝇密度, 季节消长, 影响因素

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