Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control ›› 2010, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (6): 581-582.

• Original reports • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Observation on the killing effect of warfarin against the Rattus tanezumi and prothrombin time alteration

LIU Da-peng1, ZHANG Ai-jun1, WU Jian1, YANG Wei-fang1, CHU Hong-liang1, SHAO Zhong-xian2, ZHOU Ming-hao1   

  1. 1 Jiangsu Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanjing 210009, Jiangsu Province, China;
    2 Huaian Center for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Received:2010-09-06 Online:2010-12-20 Published:2010-12-20


刘大鹏1, 张爱军1, 吴健1, 杨维芳1, 褚宏亮1, 邵忠贤2, 周明浩1   

  1. 1 江苏省疾病预防控制中心消毒与媒介生物防治所(南京 210009);
    2 淮安市疾病预防控制中心
  • 作者简介:刘大鹏(1963-),男,主任技师,从事媒介生物防制工作。Email:


Objective To determine the alteration in the prothrombin time(PT) of Rattus tanezumi from warfarin and its killing effect against the pest in Huaian district. Methods The killing effect of warfarin against R. tanezumi was tested by the food intaking method, with PT done with the special instrument. Results There were 15 R. tanezumi that all died during the observation with an average of 10.13 d for its complete death. The average amount of warfarin consumed (original material) was 2.57 mg/kg, and the average PT (INR) was 1.41, with no statistical significance between the female and male mice found (t=0.159, P=0.876). Conclusion Warfarin could kill R. tanezumi effectively in Huaian district, with the PT value ranging from 0.94 to 2.88.

Key words: Warfarin, Rattus tanezumi, Prothrombin time


目的 测定杀鼠灵对淮安地区黄胸鼠的杀灭效果及其黄胸鼠凝血酶原时间(PT)。方法 杀灭效果实验采用摄食法,PT测定采用仪器法。结果 淮安地区15只黄胸鼠在观察期内全部死亡,平均死亡天数为10.13 d,平均消耗杀鼠灵(原药)为2.57 mg/kg, 平均PT值(以INR表示)为1.41,雌雄鼠差异无统计学意义(t=0.159,P=0.876)。结论 杀鼠灵可以有效地杀灭淮安地区黄胸鼠,所测得的黄胸鼠PT值范围为0.94~2.88。

关键词: 杀鼠灵, 黄胸鼠, 凝血酶原时间

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