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Prevention and Control of Leptospirosis in Zhejiang Province in 2002-2003

JIANG Li-ping;GONG Zhen-yu;WANG Zhen;et al   

  1. Zhejiang Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Hangzhou 310009, China
  • Online:2005-08-20 Published:2005-08-20



  1. 浙江省疾病预防控制中心病原微生物所 杭州310009

Abstract: Objective To study the epidemic pattern of Leptospirosis in Zhejiang province,analyze the problems in the prevention and contol of Leplospirosis. Methods With MAT to test the serum antibody in patients. Check the leptospira in kidney of duck,pig,forg and rodents,and urine of cattle. Results In 2002 year,the total patients in whole province were 59. The average incidence was 0.13 per 100 000,one of them died. Most of patients were in Quzhou,Lishui and Taizhou city. Of 299 mouse's kidney,620 forg's kidney,80 pig's kidney,28 duck kidney and 54 cattle's urine samples,culturepositive rates of leptospira were 2.01%,1.61%,1.25%,0,0,respectively. In 2003 year,total patients in whole province were 20. The avevage incidence was 0.04 per 100 000 and patients were in Jinhua,Quzhou,Lishui and Taizhou city. Of 577 mouse's kidney,1 070 frog's kidney,127 pig's kidney,40 duck's kidney and 110 cuttle's urine samples,culture posistive rates of leptospira were 0,4.67%,0,0,0. Conclusion The prevention and control of Leptospirosis can not be relaxed. It should be guarded against,especially after flood.

摘要: 目的 探讨浙江省钩端螺旋体病(钩体病)流行规律,分析防制工作中存在的问题。方法 用显微镜凝集实验(MAT)检测病人血清抗体。采集鼠肾、猪肾、牛中段尿、蛙肾、鸭肾分离培养病原体。结果2002年全省共发生钩体病59例,死亡1例,病例分布全省17个市(县),主要集中在衢州、丽水、台州(地)市,发病率为0.13/10万。2003年全省共发生钩体病20例,病例分布在金华、衢州、台州、丽水4个(地)市的8个县,发病率为0.04/10万。2002年解剖分离培养鼠肾299对、蛙肾620对、猪肾80对、鸭肾28对、牛中段尿54份,结果 鼠肾阳性率为2.01%,蛙肾为1.61%,猪肾为1.25%。2003年共解剖分离培养鼠肾577对、蛙肾1070对、牛中段尿110份、猪肾127对、鸭肾40对,结果蛙肾阳性率为0.47%,其他均为阴性。结论 钩体病防治工作仍然不能放松,尤其在洪涝灾害后应列为防制重点。

关键词: 钩端螺旋体病, 预防, 控制, 发病率