Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control

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Sucking Lice Fauna Investigation from Nine Counties in Yunnan Province

WANG Jing; GUO Xian-guo; QIAN Ti-jun; et al   

  1. Laboratory of Vector and Pathogen, Faculty of Basic Medicine, Dali College, Dali 671000, China
  • Online:2005-02-20 Published:2005-02-20



  1. 1大理学院媒介与病原生物研究室 大理671000;2汕头大学医学院细胞生物与遗传学教研室 汕头515031

Abstract: Objective To understand the fauna of ectoparasitic sucking lice on small mammals in Yunnan Province of China. Methods Nine counties(towns) in Yunnan Province were chosen as target sites to investigate the sucking lice on small mammal hosts. The hosts were captured by traps. The sucking lice on the body surface of small mammals were all collected. Every individual of the sucking lice was dehydrated,made to be transparent mounted on slides in a conventional way,and then identified under a microscope. Results 2 745 small mammal hosts were captured and 18 167 sucking lice from the hosts were collected. The 2 745 hosts were identified as 41 species of 25 genera of 10 families in 5 orders: Rodentia,Insectivora,Scandentia,Logomorpha and Carnivora. The collected 18 167 sucking lice were identified as 22 species of 6 genera of 4 families. All the louse species,together with their taxonomic position (genera and families),their hosts and collected sites were listed in detail. Conclusion There are relatively less sucking lice species on the small mammals,and the number of species of sucking lice are much less than the number of species of the hosts.

摘要: 目的 初步了解云南省小型哺乳动物(小兽)体表寄生吸虱区系分布状况。方法对云南省境内9个县(市)小兽体表寄生吸虱昆虫进行了区系调查。调查中用鼠笼加食饵诱捕小兽宿主,用全捕法采集其体表的全部吸虱。吸虱经过常规逐级脱水、透明、干燥处理、制成玻片标本后于显微镜下鉴定。结果在9个县(市)的调查中共捕获2745只小兽,经分类鉴定隶属啮齿目、食虫目、攀目、兔形目和食肉目5个目中的10科25属41种。从各种小兽宿主体表共采集吸虱昆虫18167只,经分类鉴定隶属4科6属22种。文中详细列出了22种吸虱昆虫的分类地位(科、属)、种名、寄生宿主及采集地点。结论小兽体表吸虱昆虫种类较源较少,明显少于所捕获的小兽宿主种类。

关键词: 虱目, 吸虱, 昆虫, 区系, 云南