Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control

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Study on the Control Methods for the Quantity of Citellusdauricus Brandt in Plague Epidemic Areas

WANG Hua-bin*; WEI Chun-heng; MA Yi; et al   

  1. Health and Anti-Epidemic Station of Chifeng,Chifeng 024000
  • Online:2001-04-20 Published:2001-04-20



  1. 1内蒙古赤峰市卫生防疫站024000;2松山区卫生防疫站;3松山区波罗和硕乡卫生院

Abstract: Objective:To control Citellus dauricus Brandt effectively and to control the incidence of plague for a long time.Method:The density of rodents was investigated and the areas of eliminating rodents were confirmed.Ecological and physical measures were the main method of eliminating rodents combing with rodenticides.Result:The rodent density befor treating was 13.5 holes per ten hectas.The rodent density after treating was 0.67 holes per ten hectas(the standard:<2 holes per ten hectas).The rodent control rate was 95%.Conclusion:The methods suitable for the China situation can raise the effectiveness and benefits of eliminating rodents.

摘要: 目的:有效地控制黄鼠数量增长,以长期稳定地控制鼠疫。方法:踏查鼠密度,确定灭鼠地段,并实地踏查验收。灭鼠以生态、物理方法为主,溴敌隆杀灭为辅。结果:有鼠面积占3村总面积的20%。超标面积为135hm2,平均洞密度为13.5个/10hm2。灭鼠后洞密度为0.67个/10hm2,灭洞率达95%,达到稳控鼠疫标准(黄鼠密度<2只/10hm2)。结论:此方法适合我国国情,有很强的可操作性和科学性,灭效好,可提高灭鼠效率和效益。

关键词: 稳定控制鼠疫, 疫源地, 黄鼠, 灭鼠方法, 法制