Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control

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A Tentative Report of Investigation and Study on Glires Rat Region in the Protect District of Wu Tai Mountain of Shanxi

Wang Kegong*; Zou bo   

  1. Agricultural Experiment Station,Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Xixian
  • Online:1999-12-20 Published:1999-12-20


王克功1; 邹波2   

  1. 1山西省农业科学院隰县试验站041300; 2山西省农业科学院植物保护研究所

Abstract: There were thirteen kinds of farmland rats in the protect district of Wu Tai mountain, being subordinate to five families and two orders. They included eight species of Palaearctic realm, 69.23 per cent, one Oriental species, 7.69 per cent, three spread species, 23.08 per cent. The animal fauna was mainly made up of Palaerctic species, the quantity of catching Cricetulus longicaudaus was the most. Myospalax fontanierii, Cricetulus longicaudaus, C.triton were superior sorts of rats in the farmland of the locality. Eutamias sibiricus, Apodemus agrarius, Apodemus peciasus, Lepus capensis were common sorts. Sciarotamias davidianus, Ochotona daurica, Rattus norvegicus were occasional sorts.

摘要: 目的:掌握五台山保护区啮齿动物种类数量和区系分布。方法:以实地考察(夹夜法)为主,结合访问及文献进行综合整理。结果:该区啮齿动物共有13种,隶属2目5科。其中古北界啮齿动物9种(占69.23%),东洋界1种(占7.69%),广布种3种(占23.08%)。在动物区系组成上以古北界成分为主体,长尾仓鼠数量明显占优,中华鼢鼠、长尾仓鼠、大仓鼠为优势种,草兔、黑线姬鼠、大林姬鼠、花鼠为常见种,岩松鼠、达乌尔鼠兔、褐家鼠为偶见种;以前文献记载的山西绒鼠、小家鼠、子午沙鼠,在本次调查中均未捕到。结论:为更好地保护五台山的自然生态,要定期进行有害啮齿动物监测工作,采取有针对性的防制措施。

关键词: 五台山, 啮齿动物, 区系, 数量