Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control

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Studies on a New Type of Rodent-Roachicidal Thermal Fog Shuchongjing in Trains

Dong Tian-yi;et al   

  1. Institute of Microbiology and Epidemilolgy,Academy of Military Medical Sciences. Beijing
  • Online:1994-08-20 Published:1994-08-20


董天义; 崔旺财; 胡渠; 张佐栋; 肇兴邦; 任意; 常江; 李凡; 施应坤; 杨襄泰   

  1. 军事医学科学院微生物流行病研究所 北京100071; 沈阳铁路局中心卫生防疫站; 军事医学科学院实验仪器厂

Abstract: The efficacies and residual toxicities of shuchungjing, a novel rodent-roackicidal thermal fog, were tested both in laboratory and in field. (1)The LC50(by breathing) of Mus musculus, which were exposed to a closed fogged room for 30 minutes, was 1.6 (1.4~1.9)ml a.i/m3,with a regrassion equation y=3.6+6.5x. Rattus norvegicus and Blattella germanica showeda more greater sensitivity to the thermal fog than M. musculusdid.No significant residual toxicities were found in a test with Macaca mulatta placed in a room from which the fog had been discharged for one hour.(2) The field trials,involved 7 trains composed of 67 carriages belonging to 4 railway offices,proved that after the fog treatments for 30 minutes the densities of rodents and roaches were declined by 78.5% and 98.5%, respectively, and the pre-set target animals including 710 B. germanica, 6 R.norvegicus, and the 62 of 64 M. musculus were killed.

摘要: 本文报道具有鼠?蟑兼灭性能的新型热烟雾剂鼠虫净的毒效及其残留物的安全性试验结果:①施烟空间密闭作用30min,对小白鼠的LC50及其95%置信限为1.6(1.4~1.9)mla·i/m3,回归方程为Y=3.6+6.5x;对大白鼠和德国小蠊的毒性均比小白鼠大得多。②将鼠料放入试验空间,喷入对小白鼠全致死剂量药液密闭作用40min,通风排烟1h后取出鼠料,给16只正常小白鼠连续吃15d,所有试鼠无任何不适反应。③将5只恒河猴放入排烟1h后的施烟空间连续3d。之后移到饲养房再观察15d,定期测定生理指标(体温、呼吸、心率)、血液学指标(RBC、WBC、Hb、PLT)和血液生化指标(GOT、GPT、ALP、ChE、BUN、Crea),测得数据与暴露前的正常值相比,除ChE外差别均无显著性;ChE活性在暴露后第1d受到抑制,第3d抑制开始缓解,第6d其活性基本恢复到正常水平。④通过两种途径考核鼠虫净防制列车鼠类和蟑螂的效果,共试验67辆车厢,分属于广州、柳州、北京和沈阳4个铁路局。结果人工放置靶子动物试验,710只德国小蠊全死亡;308只鼠的毒杀率为95.5%;客车本身害鼠平均杀灭率78.5%,害蟑平均杀灭率98.5。不同车厢的试验效果有差异,主要与密封程度有关。

关键词: 鼠蟑兼灭热烟雾剂, 毒性, 效果, 安全性