Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control ›› 2024, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (2): 161-165.DOI: 10.11853/j.issn.1003.8280.2024.02.006

• Vector Surveillance • Previous Articles     Next Articles

An analysis of mosquito density and seasonal fluctuations in Liaoning Province, 2020-2022

WANG Chun-yu, ZHANG Jia-yong, BAI Yu-yin, DING Jun   

  1. 1. Vector Control Institute, Liaoning Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shenyang, Liaoning 110005, China
  • Received:2023-08-29 Online:2024-04-20 Published:2024-05-09


王纯玉, 张家勇, 白玉银, 丁俊   

  1. 1. 辽宁省疾病预防控制中心病媒生物控制室, 辽宁 沈阳 110005
  • 通讯作者: 丁俊,
  • 作者简介:王纯玉,女,硕士,副主任技师,主要从事病媒生物控制工作,

Abstract: Objective To investigate the density, species composition, and seasonal fluctuations of mosquitoes in human settlements and surrounding environments in Liaoning Province, China from 2020 to 2022, so as to provide a basis for effective prevention and control of mosquito-borne diseases.Methods From May to October of 2020 to 2022, mosquitoes were monitored using the light trap method in residential areas, parks, hospitals, rural households, and livestock sheds in 14 cities. The surveillance data were analyzed using Excel 2016, ArcGIS 10.7, and SPSS 27.0 softwares. The Chi-square test was used to compare the composition ratio of mosquito species. The Levene's test was used to assess the homogeneity of variance of mosquito densities by year and by habitat. The Friedman test for multiple paired samples was used to compare their differences between groups.Results From 2020 to 2022, a total of 4 239 mosquito lamps were deployed in Liaoning Province, capturing 238 193 female mosquitoes. Anopheles sinensis was the dominant species, accounting for 40.22 % of the total mosquitoes, followed by Culex pipiens pallens and Aedes dorsalis, accounting for 22.11 % and 20.25 %, respectively. The total mosquito density was 56.19 mosquitoes/light·night. The mosquito densities of 2020-2022 were 45.67, 42.72, and 80.84 mosquitoes/light·night, respectively. The mosquito density of livestock sheds was the highest, reaching 206.48 mosquitoes/light·night, followed by rural households with a density of 17.04 mosquitoes/light·night, and the lowest was in residential areas with a density of 5.25 mosquitoes/light·night. The mosquito density of livestock sheds was highest for all species except for Ae. albopictus, which only appeared in residential areas, parks, and hospitals. Among the surveillance points in the province, Anshan had the highest mosquito density of 215.27 mosquitoes/light·night, followed by Yingkou with 157.28 mosquitoes/light·night, and Dalian had the lowest density of 3.11 mosquitoes/light·night. The overall seasonal fluctuation in mosquito density showed a single-peak curve, reaching the highest in early August with a density of 179.48 mosquitoes/light·night. The seasonality of mosquito density differed significantly between different years (χ2=36.440, P<0.001) and between different habitats (χ2=26.272, P<0.001).ConclusionsAn. sinensis, Cx. pipiens pallens, and Ae. dorsalis are the dominant species in human settlements and surrounding environments in Liaoning Province. Mosquito density in rural habitats is high, especially in livestock sheds, which are major breeding sites and need strengthened mosquito control. Comprehensive prevention and control measures should be taken before the peak period of mosquito activity from June to August, to reduce mosquito density and the risk of mosquito-borne diseases.

Key words: Mosquito, Density, Surveillance, Species composition, Seasonal fluctuation

摘要: 目的 了解辽宁省2020-2022年人居及周边环境的媒介蚊虫密度、种群构成和季节消长规律,为有效预防和控制蚊媒传染病的发生和流行提供依据。方法 14个地级市每年5-10月选择居民区、公园、医院、农户和牲畜棚5类监测生境,采用诱蚊灯法进行蚊虫密度监测,使用Excel 2016、ArcGIS 10.7和SPSS 27.0等软件对监测数据进行汇总分析,蚊虫种群构成比采用χ2检验,各年度和各生境蚊密度方差齐性采用Levene检验,组间差异比较采用多配对样本的Friedman检验。结果 2020-2022年辽宁省共布放诱蚊灯4 239盏,捕获雌蚊238 193只,其中中华按蚊为优势种群,占捕获总数的40.22 %,其次是淡色库蚊和背点伊蚊,分别占捕获总数的22.11 %和20.25 %。蚊虫总密度为56.19只/(灯·夜),2020-2022年蚊密度分别为45.67、42.72和80.84只/(灯·夜);牲畜棚环境蚊密度最高,达到206.48只/(灯·夜),其次是农户,密度为17.04只/(灯·夜),最低是居民区,密度为5.25只/(灯·夜)。除白纹伊蚊外,牲畜棚生境中各蚊种密度最高,白纹伊蚊仅出现在居民区、公园和医院。全省各监测点中鞍山市蚊密度最高,达215.27只/(灯·夜),其次是营口市,为157.28只/(灯·夜),大连市最低,仅为3.11只/(灯·夜)。蚊密度总体的季节消长呈单峰曲线,8月上旬最高,达179.48只/(灯·夜),不同年份蚊密度季节消长差异有统计学意义(χ2=36.440,P<0.001),不同生境蚊密度季节消长差异有统计学意义(χ2=26.272,P<0.001)。结论 辽宁省人居及周边环境中中华按蚊、淡色库蚊和背点伊蚊是优势种群;农村生境蚊密度较高,特别是牲畜棚,是蚊虫重要的孳生繁殖地,应重点加强此类生境蚊虫的防制工作;6-8月是辽宁省蚊虫活动的高峰期,建议在蚊虫活动高峰期来临之前采取综合防制措施,降低蚊密度及蚊媒传染病的发生风险。

关键词: 蚊虫, 密度, 监测, 种群构成, 季节消长

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