Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control ›› 2018, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (3): 274-278.DOI: 10.11853/j.issn.1003.8280.2018.03.014

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Analysis on species composition and fauna about flies in Shenzhen, China, in 2010-2015

LIU Yang, ZHANG Shao-hua, LIANG Zhuo-nan   

  1. Shenzhen Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shenzhen 518055, Guangdong Province, China
  • Received:2018-02-23 Online:2018-06-20 Published:2018-06-20


刘阳, 张韶华, 梁焯南   

  1. 深圳市疾病预防控制中心消毒与病媒生物预防控制所, 广东 深圳 518055
  • 通讯作者: 张韶华,
  • 作者简介:刘阳,男,主管技师,主要从事病媒生物防制工作,

Abstract: Objective To investigate the species and fauna of the flies in Shenzhen city. Methods During 2010-2015, sweeping net and fly-trap were used to collect flies in Shenzhen city, specimens were identified to establish species list, historical documents were collected to analysis fauna. Results A total of 77 species of flies were obtained from Shenzhen city (38 genera, 3 families). Five species were first collected in Guangdong province, 22 species were new recorded to Shenzhen city. There were 25 oriental species, 13 oriental and palearctic shared species, 12 oriental, palearctic and Australian shared species, 27 the rest groups species. There were 18 southern China species, 14 central and southern China shared species, 11 widespread species, 7 widespread (without Qinghai Tibet region)species, 27 the rest groups species. Conclusion The fauna of flies in Shenzhen city is complex, groups in the Oriental Region are distinctly predominant, southern China species and central-southern China shared species constitute most fly species in Shenzhen city.

Key words: Flies, Species list, Zoogeography, Fauna, Shenzhen city

摘要: 目的 了解深圳市蝇种构成及其区系特征。方法 2010-2015年在深圳市利用网捕法和笼诱法采集蝇类并进行鉴定,统计蝇类名录并结合历史资料进行区系分析。结果 深圳市目前记录蝇类3科38属77种,包括广东省新纪录种5种和深圳市新纪录种22种;东洋界蝇种25种,东洋界与古北界共有蝇种13种,东洋、古北、澳洲三界共有蝇种12种,其他区系组合共27种;仅华南区分布种18种,华南区与华中区共有种14种,全国广布种11种,除青藏区分布的广布种有7种外,其他区系组合共有27种。结论 深圳市蝇类区系较为复杂,以东洋界成分为主;蝇种以仅华南区分布种及华南区和华中区共有种居多。

关键词: 蝇类, 物种名录, 动物地理学, 区系, 深圳市

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