Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control ›› 2019, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (1): 103-105.DOI: 10.11853/j.issn.1003.8280.2019.01.025

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Investigation and disposal of two cases of imported chikungunya fever in Dongyang, Zhejiang province, China

WU Ai-lan, CHEN Kang, XU Yue-chen, ZHANG Jing, CHEN Shuang, MA Jing-jing   

  1. Dongyang Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Dongyang 322100, Zhejiang Province, China
  • Received:2018-09-27 Online:2019-02-20 Published:2019-02-20


吴爱兰, 陈康, 徐悦辰, 张静, 陈爽, 马婧婧   

  1. 东阳市疾病预防控制中心防疫科, 浙江 东阳 322100
  • 作者简介:吴爱兰,女,主任医师,主要从事传染病防控工作,

Abstract: Objective To investigate the epidemiological features and etiology of imported chikungunya fever and related prevention and control measures, and to provide experience for future prevention and control of this disease. Methods An epidemiological investigation was performed for two patients with chikungunya fever imported from Bangladesh in August 2017 in Dongyang. Blood samples were collected and RT-PCR was used for nucleic acid detection of chikungunya virus. Results The blood samples of these two patients tested positive for nucleic acid of chikungunya virus. They both travelled to Bangladesh before the onset of this disease, and thus they were confirmed as imported cases from Bangladesh. Both patients were cured after symptomatic/supportive treatment. Conclusion Integrated prevention and control measures including isolation, mosquito control at epidemic spots, and clearance of breeding sites can effectively prevent local spread of this disease.

Key words: Chikungunya fever, Imported, Investigation

摘要: 目的 了解输入性基孔肯雅热流行病学特点,明确病因,评价防控措施,为今后防控基孔肯雅热提供经验。方法 对2017年8月东阳市发生的从孟加拉国输入的2例基孔肯雅热病例进行流行病学个案调查,并采集病例血标本,用反转录-聚合酶链式反应方法进行基孔肯雅热病毒核酸检测。结果 2例病例血标本经检测为基孔肯雅热病毒核酸阳性,发病前均有孟加拉国旅行史,确认为孟加拉国输入性病例,经过对症支持治疗,2例病例均治愈。结论 通过对病例的隔离治疗,疫点灭蚊、清理蚊虫孳生地为主的综合防控措施,该病未发生本地扩散流行,疫情得到有效控制。

关键词: 基孔肯雅热, 输入性, 调查

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