Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control ›› 2016, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (2): 181-183.DOI: 10.11853/j.issn.1003.8280.2016.02.023

• Investigation • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The distribution, density and seasonality of Musca domestica in Tonghua, Jilin province, 2006-2014

MA Jun1, WANG Yi-guan2, YANG Si-jia2,3, MENG Feng-xia2   

  1. 1 Tonghua Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Tonghua 134000, Jilin Province, China;
    2 WHO Collaborating Centre for Vector Surveillance and Management, State Key Laboratory of Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control, National Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention;
    3 Ningbo Center for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Received:2016-01-19 Online:2016-04-20 Published:2016-04-20


马骏1, 王义冠2, 杨思嘉2,3, 孟凤霞2   

  1. 1 通化市疾病预防控制中心, 吉林通化 134000;
    2 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制所媒介生物控制室, WHO媒介生物监测与管理合作中心, 传染病预防控制国家重点实验室, 北京 102206;
    3 宁波市疾病预防控制中心, 浙江宁波 315010
  • 通讯作者: 孟凤霞,
  • 作者简介:马骏,女,副主任医师,从事消毒与病媒生物防制工作,


Objective The study was conducted on Musca domestica for a better understanding of the distribution, density and seasonality, as well as the correlation between the M. domestica density and total flies density, thus providing basic evidence in fly control and prevention. Methods According to the National Vector Surveillance Guidelines (2005), three vector surveillance sites were selected in Tonghua. Fly-trap, using sugar-vinegar as baits, was placed at 09:00-10:00 and retrieved on 15:00-16:00 to determine the density of flies in four habitats: agricultural markets, restaurants, green belts and residence communities. Results Musca domestica was one of the predominant species in Tonghua, accounting for 15.91%-44.90% of all the collected flies. Musca domestica density reached highest in August. The proportion of M. domestica in the four habitats described previously were 48.03%, 61.07%, 4.40% and 10.03% respectively. There was a significant positive correlation between the density of M. domestica and that of the total flies with r=0.703, P<0.01. Conclusion Musca domestica populations can be an indicator of the total flies population. The critical period for controlling flies ranges from June to August when the fly density is very high. Musca domestica density is still high in residential environments in September, and prevention and control should be implemented.

Key words: Musca domestica, Surveillance, Density, Seasonality


目的 掌握通化市家蝇的分布、密度和季节消长动态,了解家蝇及蝇类密度的关系,为蝇类防控提供依据。方法 按《全国病媒生物监测方案(试行)》,于2006-2014年在通化市设置监测点3个,以糖醋为诱饵,用笼诱法调查4种生境(农贸市场、餐饮店外环境、绿化带和居民区)蝇密度,每次布放诱蝇笼1个,日间布放6 h。结果 2006-2014年通化市家蝇的构成比为15.91%~44.90%,密度高峰在8月;在4种生境中,家蝇占蝇类总数依次为48.03%、61.07%、4.40%和10.03%;家蝇密度与总蝇密度呈正相关(r=0.703,P<0.01)。结论 通化市蝇类高峰期为6-8月,为该地区控制蝇类的关键时期, 9月仍需关注人居环境的家蝇防控。

关键词: 家蝇, 监测, 密度, 季节消长

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