Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control ›› 2011, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (2): 144-147.

• Original reports • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Study on mosquito species and their carried pathogens at Zhejiang port

SHEN Ruo-chuan1, CHEN Yong1, LUO Jiang-hong2, ZHANG Yan-jun3, WANG Xin-ying3   

  1. 1 Zhejiang Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Hangzhou 310012, Zhejiang Province, China;
    2 Lishui Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau;
    3 Zhejiang Center for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Received:2010-12-30 Online:2011-04-20 Published:2011-04-20


沈若川1, 陈勇1, 骆江洪2, 张严峻3, 王欣莹3   

  1. 1 浙江出入境检验检疫局卫生监管处,杭州 310012;
    2 丽水出入境检验检疫局;
    3 浙江省疾病预防控制中心病毒病研究所
  • 作者简介:沈若川(1969-),男,从事国境口岸卫生检疫、媒介监测工作。Email:


Objective To investigate and analyze the species, density and seasonal fluctuation of mosquitoes as well as the main mosquito-borne pathogens at Zhejiang port in an effort to provide a scientific basis for the development of effective measures for the control and prevention of the insects and mosquito-borne diseases. Methods Mosquitoes captured by mosquito collection devices were identified and classified. Fluorescence quantitative PCR method was used to detect pathogens carried by mosquitoes, including dengue virus, Japanese encephalitis virus(JEV), West Nile virus(WNV), malaria parasites and other pathogens. Results The mosquitoes captured at Zhejiang port belonged to one family, five genera and twelve species. Culex pipiens pallens or Cx. pipiens quinquefasciatus were found to be dominant species, accounting for 57.87% of the total mosquitoes, followed by Anopheles sinensis, constituting 23.75%. The average density was 0.38/(light·hour) with its peak activity being from June to August. The test Results of dengue virus, JEV, WNV and malaria parasites and other pathogens were negative. Conclusion The dominant species at Zhejiang port are consistent with the data collected locally, with different features seen at each port. There is a potential for outbreak of imported malaria at Zhejiang port, but little possibility of mosquitoes being infected with dengue virus and other pathogens is seen. The lower density of mosquitoes at Taizhou and Shengsi ports may be associated with the special environment at Taizhou port and the endemic island climate at Shengsi port. Mosquito density at the airports is significantly higher than that at the harbor, which is probably related to the unique environment and higher population density there.

Key words: Mosquito, Investigation and analysis, Port


目的 对浙江口岸蚊类的种群结构、密度和季节消长情况,以及主要蚊媒病原体携带情况进行调查分析,为制定有效的防制措施和控制口岸蚊媒传染病的发生提供科学依据。方法 采用诱蚊器收集法捕捉浙江口岸的蚊虫,对其进行形态学分类鉴定; 采用荧光定量RT-PCR法对蚊类样品进行登革热病毒、流行性乙型脑炎(乙脑)病毒、西尼罗病毒及疟原虫等病原体检测。结果 浙江口岸蚊类隶属5属12种,其中淡色/致倦库蚊为优势种,占捕获总数的57.87%,其次是中华按蚊,占23.75%; 平均密度0.38只/(台·h),活动高峰期为6-8月; 蚊类可能携带的登革热病毒、乙脑病毒、西尼罗病毒及疟原虫等病原体检测结果全部为阴性。结论 浙江口岸主要优势种与地方数据基本一致,但各口岸又有不同特点; 输入性疟疾在浙江口岸地区有暴发流行的可能; 浙江口岸蚊类受登革热病毒等病原体感染的可能性较低; 台州、嵊泗口岸蚊密度偏低,可能与台州口岸特殊的港区环境、嵊泗口岸当地特有的海岛型气候相关; 空港蚊密度明显高于海港,可能与其特有的蚊类生活环境和人员较多有关。

关键词: 蚊类, 调查分析, 口岸

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