Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control ›› 2013, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (6): 546-548.DOI: 10.11853/j.issn.1003.4692.2013.06.021

• Investigation • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Epidemiological characteristics of human rabies in Qingdao, China from 2008 to 2012

QIU Bo, JIANG Fa-chun   

  1. Qingdao Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Qingdao 266033, Shandong Province, China
  • Received:2013-06-25 Online:2013-12-20 Published:2013-12-20


邱波, 姜法春   

  1. 青岛市疾病预防控制中心传染病防制科, 山东 青岛 266033
  • 作者简介:邱波(1962-),男,副主任医师,主要从事自然疫源性疾病防控工作。


Objective To describe the epidemiological characteristics of human rabies in Qingdao, China from 2008 to 2012. Methods The epidemic data of human rabies cases from 2008 to 2012 were collected and analyzed, and brain samples were taken from suspected rabid dogs. Rabies virus was identified with both direct fluorescent antibody assay and RT-PCR. All data were subject to descriptive analysis. Results From 2008 to 2012, a total of 29 human rabies cases were reported in city of Qingdao, which were distributed in 7 districts or county-level cities. The incidence continuously increased from 2008 to 2011, and the highest was 0.15/100 000. Rural cases accounted for 96.55% of all cases. The incidence in city of Pingdu was 0.29/100 000, the highest among all districts and county-level cities. The number of cases during July and December was 3.14 times as that during January and June, the peak occurred in November. The male-to-female ratio was 2.22:1. The ages of the cases ranged from 27 to 79 years and 72.41% were aged 30-59 years. Farmers constituted 93.10% of all cases. Categories Ⅱ and Ⅲ rabies exposure accounted for 24.14% and 75.86%, respectively. Of all cases, wounds in 86.21% were untreated, 93.10% were not immunized with rabies vaccine, and 100% were not injected passive immunization against rabies. The incubation period was 14-413 d (median, 80.5 d). Sixteen cases were bitten by domestic dogs, 12 cases were bitten by stray dogs, and 1 was exposed when slaughtering dogs. Of 5 brain samples from suspected rabid dogs, 3 were positive for rabies virus. Conclusion From 2008 to 2012, the epidemic area of rabies expanded in Qingdao, the number of human rabies cases increased noticeably, and most of them were farmers. Lack of preventive care after exposure was the main cause of rabies. Therefore, emphasis should be given to post-exposure preventive care, and integrated measures should be implemented for the prevention and control of rabies.

Key words: Rabies, Epidemiological characteristics, Rabies virus, Exposure


目的 掌握青岛市2008-2012年狂犬病的流行特征。方法 收集2008-2012年人间狂犬病疫情资料,采集可疑狂犬的脑组织样品,用直接荧光抗体和RT-PCR方法检测狂犬病病毒感染状况。对全部资料进行描述分析。结果 2008-2012年全市共报告狂犬病29例,分布于7个区(市)。2008-2011年发病率连续上升,最高年发病率达0.15/10万。农村病例占96.55%。平度市发病率居各区(市)首位,为0.29/10万。11月病例最多,7-12月病例是1-6月的3.14倍。男女性别比为2.22:1,年龄在27~79岁之间,30~59岁占72.41%,农民占93.10%。Ⅱ、Ⅲ级暴露分别占24.14%和75.86%。86.21%的患者伤口未处理,93.10%的患者未接种狂犬病疫苗,所有患者均未进行狂犬病被动免疫。潜伏期14~413 d,中位数为80.5 d。被家犬咬伤16例,被流浪犬咬伤12例,因屠宰犬感染1例。5份可疑狂犬脑组织样品中,3份狂犬病病毒阳性。结论 2008-2012年青岛市狂犬病疫区不断扩大,病例明显增多,发病以农民为主。暴露后未进行规范处置是发病的主要原因。因此,应以暴露后处置为重点,加强综合防控。

关键词: 狂犬病, 流行病学特征, 狂犬病病毒, 暴露

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