Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control ›› 2018, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (4): 369-372.DOI: 10.11853/j.issn.1003.8280.2018.04.013

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Epidemiological analysis on avian influenza A (H7N9) in Jinhua city, Zhejiang province, 2014-2016

PANG Zhi-feng, ZHU Jun-li, TANG Hui-ling, ZHANG Guang-ming, WU Xiao-hong   

  1. Jinhua Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Jinhua 321002, Zhejiang Province, China
  • Received:2018-02-19 Online:2018-08-20 Published:2018-08-20
  • Supported by:
    Supported by the Fund for Scientific Research Project of Jinhua City(No. 2016-4-019)


庞志峰, 朱军礼, 唐慧玲, 章光明, 吴晓虹   

  1. 金华市疾病预防控制中心传染病防制科, 浙江 金华 321002
  • 作者简介:庞志峰,男,副主任医师,主要从事急性传染病防治工作,
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Objective To describe and analyze the epidemiological characteristics of human infection with avian influenza A(H7N9) virus, so as to provide evidence for developing disease control measures. Methods Epidemiological analysis was conducted on 17 laboratory confirmed cases of human infection with H7N9 virus in Jinhua city, Zhejiang. Results A total of 17 cases of human infection with avian influenza A(H7N9) virus, 10 males and 7 females, were reported from 2014 to 2016,with 10 fatalities(58.82%). A total of 7 cases were <50 years old(including 1 death), 10 cases were ≥ 50 years old(including 9 death). Winter was the high-occurrence season for avian influenza A(H7N9), and cases were mainly farmers from countryside. Epidemiological survey indicated that 17 cases had the histories of exposure to live poultry or poultry markets. In total, 167 samples were collected from external environments which associated with cases epidemiologically, with the positive rate of 39.52%. A household clustering of human infections with avian influenza A (H7N9) virus involving 2 children occurred in February 2014. Epidemiological investigation showed that the later cases were more likely to be exposed to alive poultry, but the possibility of person to person transmission could not be ruled out. Among 17 cases, 5 were mild cases, 12 severe cases. The severe cases were complicated with other primary diseases (75.00%) and ≥ 50 years old(91.67%), with the fatality rate of 83.33%. Conclusion It is necessary to emphasize the market management of live poultry in rural areas in the future. We should strengthen training of community-level medical personnel and improve the sample detection rate for influenza-like case, so that the cases can be early diagnosed and treated as well as reduce the fatality rate.

Key words: Avian influenza A(H7N9), Epidemic characteristics, Analysis

摘要: 目的 分析浙江省金华市2014-2016年人感染H7N9禽流感病例的流行病学特征和规律,为制定疫情控制措施提供依据。方法 采用描述性流行病学方法对金华市17例人感染H7N9禽流感确诊病例的流行特征进行分析。结果 2014-2016年累计报告病例17例,死亡10例,病死率为58.82%;其中男性10例,女性7例,<50岁7例(死亡1例), ≥ 50岁10例(死亡9例)。冬季高发,地区分布以农村为主,职业分布以农民为主。17例病例均有明确的活禽接触史或禽类交易场所暴露史,采集与病例有流行病学关联的活禽市场外环境标本167份,H7N9流感病毒检出率为39.52%。家庭聚集性疫情一起,发病2例,感染来源于活禽暴露的可能性较大,但不能完全排除人传人的可能性。轻症病例5例,重症病例12例,重症病例以 ≥ 50岁(91.67%)合并基础性疾病(75.00%)为主,病死率高(83.33%)。结论 金华市今后在防控工作中应重视农村地区的活禽市场管理;加强基层医务人员培训,强化发热病例"是否接触禽类或禽类交易场所暴露史"的问询机制,对可疑病例及时采样检测,并尽早使用有效抗病毒药物,做到病例的早确诊、早治疗,从而降低病死率。

关键词: H7N9禽流感, 流行特征, 分析

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