Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control ›› 2024, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (3): 363-368.DOI: 10.11853/j.issn.1003.8280.2024.03.019

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A serological survey of infection with Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus in rural residents and host animals in Dongyang, Zhejiang Province

WU Ai-lan, JIA Xu-qiang, GUO Bin, CHEN Kang, WU Zhen-hua, ZHU Xiang, LI Yue-hua, JIN Xu-jing, XU Yue-chen, ZHANG Jing   

  1. Department of Infectious Disease Control and Prevention, Dongyang Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Dongyang, Zhejiang 322100, China
  • Received:2023-10-30 Online:2024-06-20 Published:2024-06-29
  • Supported by:
    Public Welfare Technology Application Research Project of Jinhua (No. 2022-4-29)


吴爱兰, 贾旭强, 郭斌, 陈康, 吴振华, 朱翔, 李月华, 金旭晶, 徐悦辰, 张静   

  1. 东阳市疾病预防控制中心传染病防制科, 浙江 东阳 322100
  • 作者简介:吴爱兰,女,主任医师,主要从事传染性疾病的防控,
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Objective To investigate the prevalence of infection with Dabie bandavirus, also know as Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus (SFTSV), in rural residents and host animals in Dongyang, Zhejiang Province, China, and analyze its influencing factors, so as to provide a theoretical basis for the control of the epidemic of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS).Methods Three townships with reported SFTS cases were selected, and another three townships with similar topographic features but without case reports were selected by 1:1 matching. Two villages were selected from each township as the study area to collect serum samples from residents and host animals. Human serum samples were tested for SFTSV antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, while animal serum samples were tested by double antigen sandwich assay. SPSS 18.0 software was used to analyze the data. The Chi-square test was used for rate comparison. A logistic regression analysis was performed to determine risk factors.Results A total of 1 117 rural residents were examined, of whom 22 were positive for SFTSV antibodies, with a positive rate of 1.97%. There were no significant differences in the positive rate of SFTSV antibodies between sexes, ages, and occupations (all P>0.05). According to the logistic regression analysis, the potential risk factors for SFTSV infection included previous reports of SFTS cases in villages of residence (odds ratio [OR]=2.994, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.277-7.021, P<0.05) and a history of tick bites in the last five years (OR=3.563, 95%CI: 1.227-10.342, P<0.05). The positive rates of SFTSV antibodies of sheep, dogs, cattle, and pigs were 45.83% (11/24), 7.69% (3/39), 0 (0/7), and 0 (0/20), respectively, showing a significant difference between them (χ2=23.559, P<0.001). Among 183 rodents tested, 1 was positive for SFTSV antibodies.Conclusions In some rural areas of Dongyang, SFTSV antibodies were detected in both residents and animal hosts, and the antibody detection rate was higher in areas with reported cases than in those without case reports, suggesting that the prevalence of SFTSV infection in Dongyang exceeds expectations. In addition to tick control, future SFTS prevention and control efforts should also focus on strengthening animal management, health promotion and education, and rodent control.

Key words: Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome, Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus, Dabie bandavirus, Host, Serology, Antibody

摘要: 目的 调查浙江省东阳市农村居民和宿主动物大别班达病毒[DBV,也称发热伴血小板减少综合征病毒(SFTSV)]的感染率,并分析其影响因素,为发热伴血小板减少综合征(SFTS)疫情的控制提供理论依据。方法 选择3个已有SFTS病例报告的镇街,并按照1∶1的配比方法选取3个地貌相似但无病例报告的镇街,每个镇街选取2个村作为研究区域,采集居民和宿主动物血清。人血清样本通过酶联免疫吸附试验进行SFTSV抗体检测,动物血清样本采用双抗原夹心法进行检测。使用SPSS 18.0软件对数据进行统计分析。组间率的比较采用χ2检验,采用logistic回归对研究对象的危险因素进行分析。结果 检测农村居民1 117人,SFTSV抗体阳性22例,阳性率1.97%,不同性别、职业、年龄组间SFTSV抗体阳性率差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05);logistic回归分析表明居住村既往有SFTS病例报告、近5年有蜱叮咬史与SFTSV抗体阳性存在统计学关联,比值比(OR)分别为2.994[95%置信区间(CI):1.277~7.021]和3.563(95%CI:1.227~10.342),均P<0.05。在羊、犬、牛和猪这4种家养动物中,羊和犬的SFTSV抗体阳性率分别为45.83%(11/24)和7.69%(3/39),调查的7头牛和20头猪均未检测到SFTSV抗体阳性,不同动物之间抗体阳性率差异有统计学意义(χ2=23.559,P<0.001)。调查鼠类183只,检出SFTSV抗体阳性1只。结论 东阳市部分农村地区的居民和动物宿主均检出SFTSV抗体阳性,既往有病例报告地区抗体检出率高于无病例报告地区,提示东阳市SFTSV的流行范围超过预期,今后在SFTS的防控中除了做好灭蜱工作外,还需要加强动物管理、宣传教育和灭鼠等工作。

关键词: 发热伴血小板减少综合征, 发热伴血小板减少综合征病毒, 大别班达病毒, 宿主, 血清学, 抗体

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