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姜晓舜; 叶宗茂; 董言德   

  1. 军事医学科学院微生物流行病研究所 北京100071
  • 出版日期:1993-06-20 发布日期:1993-06-20

Comparison between various factor groups conditioning the rearing of house flies, Musca domestica L. in laboratory

Jiang Xiao-shun;et al   

  1. Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology,23(A) Qilizhuang Road, Fengtai, Beijing 100071, China
  • Online:1993-06-20 Published:1993-06-20

摘要: 本文采用正交设计,对家蝇养殖中各期发育的主要影响因素(包括温度、相对湿度、培养基内含水量,幼虫养殖密度、成虫饲料等),进行了多水平正交试验,经统计分析得出各期发育的最佳理论值,结合实际情况确定实验室内养殖家蝇的适宜条件为:温度25±1℃,相对湿度70±5%,每100g幼虫培养基含水130ml,饲养幼虫600条,成蝇饲以奶粉或豆乳粉并加入适量白糖。

关键词: 家蝇, 养殖, 因素, 条件

Abstract: The multi-levels orthogonal design and relevant statistical analyses were employed insevaluating the effects of various factors including temperature, humidity, juiciness in media, larvae density and the diet regimen for adults, on the rearing of house fly, (Musca domestica L.) in laboratory at different developmental stages. Based on the theoretical optima obtained, with a consideration of practical experiences, a comprehensive condition, i.e. 25±1℃, 70±5% RH, 130ml water/100g larvae medium, and 600/100g medium of larvae density, has herewith been recommended for rearing larvae, and the commercial dry milk or bean-milk powder could be used as adult diet.