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张连富; 刘杰   

  1. 辽宁省朝阳市卫生防疫站; 朝阳市职工大学
  • 出版日期:1998-02-20 发布日期:1998-02-20

A New Species of Miltogramma (Cylindrothecum) from LiaoNing, China(Diptera: Sarcophagidae)

Zhang Lian-fu; Liu Jie   

  • Online:1998-02-20 Published:1998-02-20

摘要: 本文记述蜂麻蝇属MiltogrammaMeigen,1803一新种,短爪长鞘蜂麻蝇MiltogrammaCylindrothecumcurticlawssp.nov.模式标本存于辽宁省朝阳市卫生防疫站。

关键词: 双翅目, 麻蝇科, 蜂麻蝇属, 新种

Abstract: Miltogramma (Cylindrothecum) curticlaws sp.nov.(figs 1-3) ♂:Body length 5.5-6mm.Eyes bare, similar to Miltogramma (Cylindrothecum) ibericum (Vill., 1912).But differs from the latter with the new soecies body length 5.5-6mm, interfrontalia gold, palpi yellow, t2 1 v, 1 pd, 1 p and.It is also quite different in the male Phallosome (as shown in the figures).Holotype ♂, Jianchang (Mt.Daheishan), Liaoning province, August 10,1995,collected by Liu Jie, aiiotype♀, paratype 7 ♂♂,5 ♀♀,same as holotype, the type specimens are preserved in the Health and Anti-Epidemic Station of Chaoyang, Liaoning Province.