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陈清国1; 陈心尧1; 蒋国民2; 沈明飞3; 孙红专3; 顾维明4; 周启明1   

  1. 1上海卫生检疫局 上海200335; 2上海(科协)喷雾和喷雾剂研究中心; 3上海市奉贤县卫生防疫站; 4上海皆乐器材厂
  • 出版日期:2000-02-20 发布日期:2000-02-20

Study on the Effect of Drug Combination for Sanitary Treatment of Containers

Chen Qinguo*; Chen Xinyao; Jiang Guomin; et al   

  1. Shanghai Quarantine Bureau,Shanghai 200335,China
  • Online:2000-02-20 Published:2000-02-20

摘要: 目的:观察两种不同药剂复配,对现用集装箱卫生处理的效果。方法:模拟现场试验。结果:硫酰氟、溴甲烷和虫菌畏单一使用,在常用浓度下对大肠杆菌灭菌率在25%以下,对淡色库蚊24h杀灭率在30.13%以下;常用浓度加倍量对淡色库蚊24h杀灭率在55.20%以下;对德国小蠊和美洲大蠊的杀灭率亦仅为39.17%和43.33%以下。溴甲烷、环氧乙烷、硫酰氟中两种药剂复配使用药效提高明显,其中硫酰氟与环氧乙烷或溴甲烷与环氧乙烷复配使用,杀虫、灭鼠效果尤好。结论:本文首次报道硫酰氟与环氧乙烷复配使用可明显提高药效。

关键词: 集装箱, 卫生处理复配药剂, 药效试验

Abstract: Based on the investigation of Practical effect of available insecticides used for sanitary treatment of containers,the effect of a combination of two insecticides was observed to see whowed that when Sulfury fluoride, Methy1 bromide and Chong-Jun-Wei were applied separately at routine concentration,their killing rates were<25% for Escherichia coli, <30.13% for Culex pipiens pallens in 24 hours; and <55.20% for Culex pipiens pallens when the dosage was doubled; and it was only 39.17% and <43.33% respectively for Blattella germanica and Periplaneta americana.However,when Sulfury fluride, Methy1 bromide and Chong-Jun-Wei were used in two drug combination separately, their insecticidal effect could be raised obviously.The best combinations were Sulfury fluoride with Ethylene oxide,and Methy1 bromide with Ethylene oxide,which have good killing effect against insects and rats. This is the first report on Sulfury fluoride and Ethylene oxide combination.